Off To Detroit, Then Buffalo

Friends since the 1950’s.
(photo G Paul)
Gloria at the ranch.
(photo P Volker)

Our house guests Jim and Gloria are off and away to the East. I was up early and making coffee and other chores and I lost track of Jim for an hour. He was out watering the corn before breakfast, what a guy! So glad those two were able to make it out here for the planting.

So onward for us at the ranch. I have a Zoom this afternoon with a cancer support group in Chicago. It is a watch the film and do the QandA deal. I’m resting up now.

And you know these are my people now, these cancer folks. They are in the trenches, we are in the trenches. It’s “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition” time. That’s an old tune or saying about belief and performance. I had a bible class for veterans once years ago and I called it that. Some folks won’t understand that.

The mail is coming in minutes here, you know snail mail man. I’m so waiting for a belt for my mower. The grass here at the ranch is getting dangerous high as the sun and rain feed it. It is not the time to have the mower down. All the flora on the property is laughing at me and saying, “Oh, can’t keep up with it all anymore, huh old man?” Nature can be cruel.

time to go loves, Felipé.