No Chipmunks Yet

Tapas tablecloth detail.

Christmas the biggest holiday in my world and along my Camino is coming up. We went to a big carol sing and Christmas party last evening. I’m starting to get in the mood. But haven’t heard the Chipmunks yet anywhere and is it really Christmas without the famous holiday rodents?

Last evening as we sang the old favorite Christmas songs I was struck by all the great lyrics. There are some beautiful lines in the old hymns. As a kid I always wanted to write a great hymn that folks would sing in years to come. A sort of immortality. I still like the idea but I don’t think that is where my talent lies.

Let’s see what else about Christmas is standing out right now? Several years ago I bought a water buffalo from the charity Heifer. If you are not familiar they have livestock for sale that they then give to people in poor areas of the world to improve their condition. Anyway for $250 I bought this beast for someone who could use it. Then eight people on my Christmas list got a share. Sometimes I think we got enough stuff and I want to do something different.

This year I am so bothered by the news and pics out of Allepo, Syria that I am going to do that again. Well, send some funds in to a charity that can help with that, not exactly a water buffalo. Just narrowing down the list of charities. I think my grandson needs some presents but the adults are going to get a “feel good” present this year.

Last night at the party there were people that I have known for a long time and others that I had seen before, so it wasn’t a bunch of strangers. But three people that were associated with that group weren’t there due to early cancer deaths over the last ten years. I was with the Mom of the latest one for half of the evening. She is stong in certain ways and fragile in others. I was so glad that somehow I was able to be of service to her at this time. My five year Camino through the world of cancer has give me the kind of insight and a certain confidence to do this. I am happy to bring some healing in to this situation.

Well, that is what is going on this AM in my world. We are all walking our own Caminos but there are commonalities in terms of our grief and happiness. Please buoy me up when I need it and I will try and do the same for you. Advent loves, Felipe.

6 thoughts on “No Chipmunks Yet”

  1. Hola Felipe! I tend to binge-read your blog about once a week and just now came across your reference to supporting Heifer International. It’s been my favorite charity for many years and I send my grown children ‘gifts’ from there every year with funny comments, like “Here’s a llama from your mama,” “a hive of bees for you because you’re my honey…” And sometimes they give to their own favorites in my name.

    Indeed, we all have too much Stuff and can afford to give to our neighbors in other parts of the world.

    Camino love,

    1. Hi MM ~ great to here from you dear. I bought a water buffalo a while back from Heifer and everyone in the fam got one eighth. That was fun. This year gave to Mercy Corps. Well, you will have to send some news about what you have been up to. I know, here is a question for you. What do you think about the angels flying around up in the rafters at church, how come they never disturb the cobwebs up there? How do you put that in words? Merry Christmas, your pal, Felipe.x

      1. Ahhh, Felipe, the angels I see in the rafters are not flitting and flying around but resting comfortably and smiling down on each parishioner with loving and tender care and sending comfort and understanding to every one of them/us. (Besides, I helped decorate the church for Christmas last Sunday and there wasn’t a single cobweb up there, only angel feathers.)

        If you have never seen the movie “Wings of Desire” you should get it as soon as possible. It’s about angels in Berlin, very European but starring Peter Falk as a former angel…

        Merry and Blessed Christmas,

        Mary Margaret

        1. Thanks MM, I knew you had the real scoop! Next you can explain Chia Dolls. Ha. Love you, Felipe.

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