My Expectation

The weird crescent shapes in the shadows.


Eclipse morning here at Raven Ranch, actually it has started according to all the news.  Funny, I don’t feel any different yet.  The sky here is totally clear so we are good to go, talking the lingo.

But I was just thinking that coming up here in about 45 minutes when it is 4-6 degrees cooler and I am freezing my butt there may be secondary phenomena to see.  Now this is just a total theory and sort of made up thing but during the total darkness Phil’s Camino may just have a light of it’s own.  Just  thinkin.  I will be observing carefully.

See that’s the kind of keen thinking that moves science forward even in times of murkiness.  Just when you think it’s all murked out up jumps a new way of looking at things.  OK, still don’t feel any different.

I’m staring out at the surroundings and there are green apples on that tree and red apples on that tree.  Half of that maple tree died over there, why is that?  And there is that caterpillar tent up too high to reach in that pear tree, hmm.

I just say an advisory on FB about not wearing your special eclipse viewing glasses while driving.  That sounds prudent.  OK, it’s 0946 and our peak is supposed to be 1020 but everything still feels about as normal as things get around here.  Just had a big old nasty sneeze, is that a sign?

They are saying this may be the last total eclipse in my lifetime.  Well,  they just don’t know Felipe.  This here cup of coffee may be my last cup of coffee in my lifetime.  He’s one nimble guy.  0952 and what?  This is reporting at its best, don’t you think?

Oh no, the internet is going wonkie.  OK, I am having a piece of Cynthia’s blackberry pie just to celebrate this historic moment.  It may be my last piece of pie, heck you never know.  1000 or 10 AM.  Maybe twenty more minutes to go.  This is so much fun.

My whole family is laughing and giggling behind me.  Here I am trying to do this very serious scientific reporting and they are trying to make some kind of a viewer out of a cereal box.  Geez, what rookies.  1005. Well, it might be a little darker but I can still see my pie.

Oh, good crust!  That’s one sign of a good  pie.   Well my body just totally eclipsed that piece of pie.  Yea, see how it works?  Just a little scientific demonstration for your benefit.  1010.

I wonder what Bigfoot thinks about all this?  Did anyone set up a real time interview with him?  Well, next time.  He probably remembers that one from 79.  1013.

OK, I am seeing the crescent shaped shadows.  1017.  OK, Tesia got the cereal box viewer going.  I was just fumbling with punching a hole through my pie plate.  OK, this is it! 1021.  Well, I don’t know about the glow emanating from Phil’s Camino.   Our equipment may not have been sensitive enough to pick it up.  1024.  OK, that was it sport’s fans.  1028.  The shadows still have the funny crescent shapes though.

OK, a good time was had by all.  See you tomorrow for another excited adventure.  1030 and love, Felipe.