More Zooms

Now if we could only figure out how to have tapas over Zoom.
(photo P Volker)

I picked up another Zoom meeting for this month from a friend. There seems to be one scheduled every week. New audiences, slightly different topics. It might be a Cancer audience or a Camino audience or a Catholic audience or a combination but each has a slightly different shade of emphasis. And then I had my weekly Bible Guys class this morning which is totally Zoom. And even if we do get together again in person I am sure that we will figure out how to have some sort of fusion with Zoom to include those who can’t be there physically.

Sometime at Bible Guys our hour and a half long class is taken up entirely with the topic of study. For instance we may be concentrating on a particular chapter of the Bible or a particular miracle or parable of Jesus and it fills the whole time. And on another occasion half of the time might be what we call fellowship or just BS ing about our week or a problem or item of gratitude because we handled the topic in a shorter time. We always fill the whole time productively regardless.

We worked on a miracle today that appears both in Matthew and Luke. It was the healing of the Centurion’s servant. Somewhere in the discussion I was talking about one of my personal messages which is the difference between healing and curing. Curing being over your disease and healing being something larger and mainly spiritual. One can be healed without being cured. That is one of the favorite parts of the Phil’s Camino documentary for lot of viewers.

As I was speaking about this particular thing to my Bible Guys I was reminded how important this is. And I have been searching for a topic to speak about on some of my upcoming Zooms. Some of those meetings are QandA’s about the film and some are more like talks. And I was searching for an exciting topic for the talks. That’s good to have in focus as this Covid disruption has me distracted and unfocused.

So yea, with Zoom, without Zoom, with Covid, without Covid. How to adapt? How to come up with the meaningful and helpful? How to focus in?

Saturday loves, Felipé.