Making Cornbread

Fall, the grass is greened up.
Fall, the grass is greened up.

Was off to the city today for my big treatment and I thought maybe the traffic would be light, maybe a bunch of folks were up late and were calling in sick. But no, worse traffic ever. So, go figure. I guess my predictions were about as good as the official ones on the election.

But here I am in the evening making cornbread to try and heal some of the wounds. So glad the election is over, people were so lathered up this time around. So maybe some cornbread will help out at this point. We made this cornmeal from our corn last summer and it has been frozen in vacuum packed bags so it is all ready to go to bake up. Pilgrim Farmer John will be proud of us, him being the Godfather of Corn!

I am going to visit Sister Joyce at her new office in Seattle on Friday. It is a stone throw from the hospital so it is easy for me to see her. We are working on an article about Phil’s Camino the trail. It is for her order’s magazine, Salt. I’m lovin that, a magazine entitled Salt.

Back this summer while I was in Dubuque, Iowa at the film festival there I was lucky enough to get a tour of the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary (the BVM) Motherhouse. I fell in love with the Sisters and they apparently fell in love with me because they want an article for the Salt about things Camino here on Vashon Island. Yes, we will do it!

So that’s pretty much it for us here. Sorry I didn’t get this out to you this morning but I left behind my IPad on my trip to the city. But I got a lot done on my Don Quixote book today. Amazing what I can accomplish when I don’t check on FaceBook.

Love you as always, Felipe.x