Juan To The Rescue!

John and Felipé at Point Robinson, Veranda 2019.
(photo W Hayes)

John’s blog post yesterday has generated a blizzard of comments. The guy really knows how to jump a shark! (Maybe you have to explain that Felipé.) Well, back in the day there was a TV show that had the Fonz in it, the ultimate cool guy. So, in the waning days of the show when the writers were very conscious of their waning ratings they wrote an episode where the Fonz is out waterskiing and coolly jumps a shark swimming in his path. It’s all Fonz Cool all the way! Anyway, so the phrase caught on, in some circles anyway, if the show needs a boost you have to jump a shark! But back to John, thank you man!

And the show could always use a boost, right? Well, I always think so anyway. More on that in a minute maybe. But the comments were cool because we are learning about each other. We are finding out our neighbor’s story and that is enriching. Wonderful!

And speaking of each other, we will be able to hang out with each other at the Veranda in August at Raven Ranch. Yea, that’s Friday August 20th through Monday August 23rd, 2021. So, be safe so we all can get there!

Just so you can have a glimpse of what the dark underbelly of the blog looks like I will introduce to Site Stats. Site Stats is on the Dashboard which is the control panel of the blog that only I el Felipé get to mess around with it and I believe mess around is the exact best description. But the Stats is where WordPress my boss keeps track of how many visits the blog gets. This is important for some blogs because they have sponsors and the sponsors want to know. But for us we are small potatoes and sponsors are elsewhere. But I do glance at these more than I should and root for it to break 1000 at the end of each month. But just reporting we averaged one thousand visits per month in 2020.

But I say sometimes that I would do this even if no one tuned in but that is not true. I so need you guys. I so need the comments to have some feedback and interplay. So we are exactly where we should be with our merry neighborhood, not to big and not to small, just right.

just right loves, Felipé.

Advent Calendar #5:

What do you feel inspired to explore more deeply at this point in your life.

Love is a beautiful flower but we must be brave enough to pick her up from the edge of a precipice. Stendahl

5 thoughts on “Juan To The Rescue!”

  1. Dear Phil,

    Definitely, PFJ deserves a promotion, a salary raise, and an upgraded package of benefits… Impossible to beat the man!!! Did you see today’s post in facebook? I think he is competing with Wiley’s friend for the title of “The most interesting man in the world”!

    But what a treat…! And as I was reading the comments, I was thinking how inviting his post has been, to the point of having so many comments from many only showing what we already know: that we all get to the Camino for different reasons, that is something Phil’s Camino has in common too.

    And, I couldn’t help but thinking how the Advent Calendar note #5 is inviting us to do more of this: what do we feel inspired to explore more deeply at this point in life? To me, this answer is simple: the humanity in others and the hospitality in my heart to make the most of this journey of life. I love how our Catherine wrote that in the prologue of her book… this journey of ours is “…a journey that binds me to all of humankind …”

    Thank you for loving us!
    Just Right Loves back to you!

  2. Hola Cris, Felipe, et al!

    I completely “get” what Phil is referring to as he peruses his Stat Site. I kept a Blog very faithfully for the 70 or so days that I was walking my Camino in ’13. It’s still “out there” at PilgrimFarmerJohn Followsthe Way.Blog. At first, I wasn’t sure just what my readers wanted to hear about or see pix of as I was making my way toward “The Ends of the Earth”. I would consult those numbers to see who was reading, who was commenting, and what they had to say. Those stats won’t tell you those specifics, but the comments will let you know how well you are fulfilling the interests and curiosity of your readers. Like Phil, I needed that feedback to steer the course of the Blog.

    I am so gratified that so many of you are responding to the invitation to relate how you came under the traction of Phil’s natural gravitational pull. And, as I had hoped, the individual responses totally reflect our inter-connectedness.

    Such nice compliments from Phil and others for my stand-in post. Thank you, All! Someone said of me once, “PFJ will talk to a tree if there’s no one else around to listen”. 🙂 Hmmmm.


    1. PFJ ~ not only a tree but a stump. I like the traction part, that’s wordsmithing. Thanks man, awesome post, you got everyone All Shook Up like Elvis. Felipé.

  3. I agree. “Traction”–great use of a great word. In this context, short for A-ttraction, no doubt. (“personal charm”; “the force acting mutually between particles of matter, tending to draw them together, and resisting their separation.”) I’ll buy that!

    1. Henriette Anne, It’s so great just being able to hang out in the rarefied air you “cool kids” exist in. Loving it! Always intrigued by the “tractor beam” employed by the Star Ship Enterprise. 😉

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