I Felt Lighter

Thanks Jim and Gloria for sending these to us from Spain.
Thanks Jim and Gloria for sending these to us from Spain.

I had a half hour to meditate this AM. Don’t know if I got very far. So much going on lately that I don’t feel all that centered or calm or present maybe as I should be but still… It’s OK, I’m confident, I’m feeling lighter. Somehow I am knowing that my day will be simpler if I am not defensive and embroiled. It is going to be fine.

Nice blog’s as usual by Terry Hershey at Sabbath Moments and Richard Rohr on his Daily Mediation. These guys are a little like Radio Free Europe broadcasting the good news over the Iron Curtain. You have to have been alive during the Cold War to appreciate that fully but the Free World kept the hopes alive in the hearts of the populations held by Communist governments in Eastern Europe and Asia by broadcasting encouraging Western cultural programming. It wasn’t fancy but sure was effective.

And us now we get to hustle and bustle through our days bumping into others who are hustling and bustling through their lives. And we are bumping and bumping and cursing at this and that and so forth. A never ending merry go round. But there are souls like Terry and Richard that call to us over the backyard fence to come over for a minute and sit with them. And they say stuff like, Felipe look at this flower will ya, no really look at it. Forget all that other stuff for a moment and just experience this flower, this one right here. It wasn’t this pretty yesterday and who knows about tomorrow. In a very simple few words that’s what they say and it is very helpful.

I am walking this AM and then off to work afterward. I like this crew of guys that I am with. They are down to earth guys, get the job done guys. Ah, and then back to treatment on Wednesday. I’ll have to pick more berries for the nurses, can’t forget.

OK, here we go on our Monday. The best to you. Oh, and pray for Patty and Sister Joyce both healing. We love you both, get well. Love you too, Felipe.x