The Hundred Foot Journey

Sherif feeding us on the Camino.
Sherif feeding us on the Camino.

Rebecca treated me to a wonderful movie last evening with that title, “The Hundred Foot Journey”. It’s all about cooking, food, culture clashes, tradition/innovation and personal development. Lots of stuff going on and beautiful visuals too.

Then with my personal reading I finally got through with “For Whom The Bell Tolls” the classic by Hemingway. I had started reading it to put me in the mood to write about the Spanish Civil War back at the end of October. So, I finaally finished that up. Beautifully written book but hard to read. Hard to read about such a brutal period of Spanish history. Anyway, what I want to say is that I got started on “Eat This Book” by Eugene Peterson. Another eating thing. It was gifted to me by one of the guys in my men’s bible study group.

Eugene Peterson has published a translation of the bible, both Old and New Testaments. Called “The Message” it is a wonderful book to read as it is a paraphrase of the texts rather than a word for word translation. It strives to make the thoughts and ideas vital and available to us as twenty first century believers and not so concerned about the small stuff. It is the version of the bible that I use almost exclusively now.

So, back to his “Eat This Book” which is subtitled, “a conversation in the art of spiritual reading”. So, his “Way” is the attempt to discover the truths and internalize them, to eat them. Not just read, study, analyze but actually read to get them inside. And not that it is secret knowledge but rediscovering the personal side of it all, as we have a personal God, an available God, an eatable God even.

It’s just getting light outside. Henry is supposed to come today to walk and talk with me. He is in his twenties and did the Camino in the summer of ’13. His mother told me that it changed his life and I said to her that it changed mine too. It will be fun to catch up with him as we haven’t had time to do that. I will make lunch for him, speaking of eating.

Well, it looks like I have rambled sufficiently for one day. Time to get on to the next thing. Time to maybe wonder about our personal God. Time to “eat” stuff. Yup, love, Felipe.