Five O’clock In The Morning Or Page 642

Don Quixote and the next chapter, “Regarding the famous adventure of the enchanted boat”.

Reading Don Quixote is definitely a Camino. This addition being 940 pages long reminds me of Phil’s Camino at 909 laps. It goes on and on into the distance and patience is always needed, no quick fixes here. It isn’t drudgery but I learn to do it just to do it whether feeling good or otherwise. It calls.

Being in the book in Spain in the 15 and 1600s is most interesting. I have been spending part of each day there for the last almost three months. There is a vast amount of information there about the culture of the times. And it doesn’t appear all that ancient to me. This seems to be a symptom of getting older, the ability to relate to older and older times. Anyway, I feel at home there in the book.

And here on Phil’s Camino in the rain of Janurary we are in PontecampaƱa with 66 kilometers to go to get to our goal. With our pace of 10km per week we should be there, God willing, toward the end of February. And then what are we going to do? I don’t know, maybe out to the coast? Come and help us out. The more the merrier on the trail as always.

Time for lunch here. Time to get to work after that. This is my good week, my time of the least side effects, time to get things done. You are on my mind, love you, Felipe.