Finishing Up My Seventy First Treatment

On Wednesday at my appointment with Doc Gold, he informed me that we were starting on my 71st treatment.   I know that he and I are proud of that.  Proud that we are keeping one step ahead of things.  And proud as in happy to be part of the team.

So, life goes on for us.  It rains, the sun comes out, the corn grows.  We are one step ahead of things that would drag us down as we smile and give thanks.   All zen, all the time.

Here are some pics from the ranch.  Pics of “ordinary Phil” back from the limelight.  I love Raven Ranch and my close by backyard Camino.   And I love growing corn, teaching archery lessons and having you visit.

My friend Bob coming to visit.
My friend Bob coming to visit.
Felipe watering the corn.
Felipe watering the corn.
Putting water on the corn and the weeds.
Putting water on the corn and the weeds.
Greg and Nicolette biked over to walk and take archery lesson.
Greg and Nicolette biked over to walk and take archery lesson.

Yup, we give thanks, love you, Felipe.x