Feeling Warm And Comfortable

Our little house with the leaves still green. Happy Labor Day.

Seems like Labor Day Weekend, oh but it is. Gone is the heat and now it is just right. Gone is the smoke from the wildfires. Boy, perfect day today.

Sunday, so Catherine and I went to Mass and then had our theological tailgate party at the supermarket parking lot. People stopped by to give us bits of news or they hung out for a while enjoying the sun. It is the time to savor the rest of the summer. The tomatoes are ripe, the corn is ripe. All is well.

Please stop by to walk if you have been putting it off and haven’t made it yet this season. Conditions are perfect for conversation and low blood pressure. You may have to put a few dollars in the bird seed fund, time to put the donation can out for the upcoming season. We usually feed our feathered friends October through March so that is on the horizon.

Oh, I spy the moon, how pretty. There it is in a cloudless sky. What part of perfect don’t I understand here? See what I mean?

My only thought outside my little bubble here today is for John McCain and his family. I will pray for them today as I walk the Camino. It seems to have brought us this moment of peace to our national conversation when that is exactly what was needed. Hopefully we can continue on remembering this when the weekend is over. Thank you John.

Bless you there where you are. Pray for me when you get a moment. Off to my day, sunny loves, Felipe.



2 thoughts on “Feeling Warm And Comfortable”

  1. I pray for you often my friend. I will make every effort to come and walk with you in the morning:).

    1. Michelle ~ yes, miss you nearness. The morning walks are good: cool, getting foggy, private and good time for conversation. Yes, Felipe.x

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