Need to wrap this up today as Ryck Thompson our Caminoheads Puget Sound Bureau Chief will be our guest blogger tomorrow. We need to open the door for him and be over our fear topic for now. Thinking that we made good progress on it and we can take it up at another time when the inspiration strikes.
This is the way Felipé sees it. Personally I am not going to cure Cancer. As a disease that is up to the doctors, researchers and labs around the world. But that is only part of the world of Cancer. If Cancer is more than the disease, if we can see how much fear is attached to it maybe we can do something about that. Maybe fear is something that we can target.
Fear and worry, it’s brother, became an issue for me when working with Dr Zucker my rehab doctor. Patients undergoing chemo need to be aware of how they use their energy. To function with limited resources one has to learn to conserve. It soon became apparent that energy wasted on fear and worry were huge losses. So work in this area could yield huge gains.
This is how lessening the fear became something to work on for me personally. Any energy saved could be used for positive purposes. It became a path. This is the Way that I have been following.
But it seems that the next level to this is that my gains can inspire you and your gains can inspire me. We are not isolated cases. We rub up against others all the time. Working on lessening the fear can be a community project in a way if we saw it that way.
Well, I just wanted to leave on a high note and let Ryck take over tomorrow with his views. And here we are in the middle of October and there is a light frost out there. Time to walk in a minute.
community project loves, Felipé.