Every Morning At 8:15

Avocados from the backyard tree.
Last night’s showing at Holy Name of Mary.
Damian High School gym.

That is every school day morning thirty nine 4th graders at St Joseph’s school in Upland pray for Mr Phil. Really? Yea, this is Loretta’s class and we were there with her today meeting the kids. What a dream class. They sang a song for me and each made a heart shaped card for Mr Phil.

We had a few minutes also with the eighth grade class who had seen Phil’s Camino. They were a little more formal than the fourth graders but enthusiastic. They will graduate hopefully at the end of the year and then be at the local Catholic high schools. That’s when the boys and girls separate.

So we were with the sophomores and the seniors at Damien High School, the boys. We showed them Phil’s Camino in the gym and then I got to speak to them for half an hour. This was another case of grace under fire for Felipe. It was a little daunting but I was all over them with tales of pilgrimage and sage advice. I really have to admit that I impressed myself with my skill and energy with this one. I may have potential in this field.

So we are off work for today. There is a big party at Loretta’s for her friends and us. This is most all of the Marauders and some extras I think. Carol my handler is here also to be with us. Right now relaxing on the patio of where we are staying and resting up for this upcoming shindig.

I was talking with Carol at lunch saying that I really have been impressing myself with my handling of these audiences. I don’t mean that bragging but just matter of factly. She said something that was helpful and clarifying. She told me that it is best when you are just yourself. Don’t try the be someone else. Maybe that is what is happening that I have finally arrived at me.

Yea, ok. So, I have to remember moderation tonight at the party. Food and drink are easily had so slow down. And over the days sleep is hard to come by so get as much of that as possible. For Felipe these junkets require some management.

Well, I think that we have covered it. Time to get ready. Miss you, love, Felipe.

3 thoughts on “Every Morning At 8:15”

  1. Happy that it is going so well, and you are getting some comfort and joy from being you on this faith journey, in the care and presence of the Father who loves you:).

    1. Michelle ~ yes, my faith journey. Cruising along on that now. Hope to see you soon to compare notes. Felipe.x

  2. I like the idea of ‘finally arriving at me.’ Reminds me of one of my fave (pilgrimage) quotes ever:

    “Think you’re escaping and run into yourself. Longest way round is the shortest way home.”
    – James Joyce, Ulysses.

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