Early Sunday Morning And Just Relating

Lucky shirt!
(photo H Volker)

I have my sermon to do later this morning. And I am working with my memory to relate to as many of the audience members as possible beforehand. I know three quarters of the folks who will be there and there is not that many to start with. So it is not as daunting as it might sound.

Maybe I could challenge you to do this for your next meeting. Whether it is one person or forty. And whether it is one of your children or someone you barely know. Try to get them in sharp focus long beforehand.

Try to focus on them rather than on yourself or what you are going to say. Let the Holy Spirit put words in your mouth. That will happen!

So, I need to go and work on this very thing right now. Please excuse me for leaving early today. Miss you and hope to see you soon.

sharp focus loves, Felipé.

6 thoughts on “Early Sunday Morning And Just Relating”

  1. Phil,
    You truly are a gift to all who are in your audience. Thank you for your continual giving of yourself to others.
    We are blessed by you!

    1. Loretta ~ thanks, for the opportunity to connect with your people. Let’s do it again some time. Felipé.x

  2. Loved your other-centered comments today. It makes all the difference in the world when you focus on them rather than yourself or what you are going to say. When I give a presentation, I recite to myself (and sometimes write out) the words Mary Martin used to say in the wings, peeking out at the audience before she went on stage: Let it not be a performance, but an act of love.

    That’s why people are moved by your words, Phil, and come back for more. It’s not a performance, but an act of love.
    Keep on inspiring.

    Henriette Anne

    1. Henriette ~ thank you for those words. It does make all the difference. How come it takes so long to learn? Felipé.x

  3. Thanks, Phil. I am catching up today on the week of blog posts. This one was good for me as I am speaking in our church on Easter, and I have been wrestling a bit with my sermon. Think of others, trust the Holy Spirit.
    Words I needed this afternoon.


    1. Susan ~ Oh, I am glad I am able to help you out with your sermon. Easter coming up, things seem so discombobulated this year. Good luck, Felipé.x

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