
Look at that!
Look at that!

Yes, a crocus is blooming in the yard. A poet should be right on top of that. I just took a pic and I’m calling it good although I really really appreciate the little guy.

I had coffee with my old buddy Bill this late morning. We hadn’t had a chance to catch up since before Spain. He said that he really wanted to hear about it and I said great because I am running out of folks who want to listen. So, that went great. And that remainds me to tell you that I have a radio interview coming up on Northwest Catholic Radio. I don’t know exactly when it will air but that is in the works. It is a companion piece to their magazine story. So I guess I will have plenty of people to listen then.

Last night I got listening to music by the Gotan Project. Very interesting stuff to come across. Does anyone know about this group? Give me a comment if you do.

OK, my big news is the crocus blooming and what could be better really. I need to get my behind in gear and get out to Mabel and to prune some fruit trees. Work never quits around here. Early blooming love, Felipe.

4 thoughts on “Crocus”

  1. Dear Phil,
    You are not running out of folks who want to listen, though I know the feeling. Sometimes I want to grab people by the shoulders and shake them (including a few to whom I gave birth) when I am talking about the transformative power of El Camino!! But it doesn’t matter, as long as we reach just one soul occasionally and find a ‘red thread’ (a metaphor in many languages for ‘understanding’) and set that spark aglow again, like a lovely yellow crocus in the early spring. It’s all about the rebirth and continuity.

    Mary Margaret

    1. “Red thread”, we will have to use that here in Caminoheadsland. Every time you are around MM our language improves in quality and quantity. But, now to the topic of informing the friends, neighbors and relatives about the benefits of walking the “Way”, yes. Well, it will only make sense to them if they are ready for it, if they have questions that need answering. But our smile and general upbeat demeanor is the best communication maybe. Buen Camino MM!

  2. Lucia ~ you asked about my reference to Sicilian herbs and that specifically is the flavoring for a certain type of olives at our local supermarket’s olive bar. This is one of my favorite places on the planet. They have olives and other goodies that you can scoop up and take home in little plastic containers to serve as tapas. It’s is $9.99 a pound no matter what you choose and you can just go nuts sampling offerings from all over the the Mediterranean. One off my Rebecca’s and my favorites is a certain olive in a brine of these Sicilian herbs. I really don’t know what they are really but doesn’t matter they are yummers. And after our home town lost the big football game this last Sunday I just wanted my being to to be dropped into the Sicilian herbs for a while to soothe my pains. Better now. Alperfect. Buen Camino, Love, Felipe.

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