Could We Please Have Some Joy Around This Purgatory?

I need some color.
(photo P Volker)

Ha, there, off to a running start today. Have the morning walk in minutes but wanted to write something uplifting. You remember uplifting? We have been talking about dreams lately and there importance. And also about how we were sensing a rise in reported cases these days. I have been active on FaceBook recently, more than normal just because it is one of my connections to our collective energy and wisdom.

One of my FB friends is Janet from Indiana, the upper Heartland. She posted an amazing dream yesterday that I have been thinking about. It is so pure and precious while my dreams tend to be about heavy lifting my personal garbage around. But that is a necessary job also I guess.
But anyway let’s be more like Janet!

I am just going to attempt to copy and paste it here. It really doesn’t need any explanation except to say that this a direct steal from FB.


When I woke up yesterday morning, I had a little tune in my head that I was humming, and then I realized a few minutes later that it was from a dream I just had before awaking!

In the dream, a multitude of people and myself are lying on the floor in sleeping bags like sardines, one next to another in a large, stark space. It’s dingy and dim in there, with an atmosphere of some hopelessness, downtroddenness, and fear. The sounds of people’s murmuring is filling the space.

At one point, still lying there in my sleeping bag, I reach my arms up and I start to sing. (In real life I’m not a good singer but I love to sing anyway.) So I start off singing softly: “I will lift my eyes, hallelujah….I will lift my voice, hallelujah…” over and over, then I sing louder so it can be heard above the murmuring, and the guy next to me hears it and starts singing with me, and soon the whole place is singing with me, “I will lift my eyes, hallelujah, I will lift my voice, hallelujah….” It sounds so beautiful and I’m feeling inside like, wow, I got all those people singing with me and the whole atmosphere changed!

I think this is God’s strategy for us against fear. Just lift your voice and worship. It will change your atmosphere. Sing a new little song today!

So we happily carry on through thick and thin, that’s what pilgrims do right? I think that we will be hearing more from Janet in the future but for the present BE PRESENT!!

nothing more to say loves, bless you loves, Felipé.

2 thoughts on “Could We Please Have Some Joy Around This Purgatory?”

  1. It brings me so much joy when you post the photo of the fleurs!!

    A poet friend asked me to list things that bring me joy this morning.

    The Divine Office
    The Divine Cup of Coffee, just as I like it.
    The Ability to write. The Ability to read. The Ability to reason.
    The Rosary.
    The Walks in the Woods.
    Divine Laughter.

    I can’t go to the Divine Office here, but can online. I think about us’ns in community and hold us up in prayer everyday. I also look at those amazing! Hubble photographs of space.

    Peace, Jessika

    1. SA ~ you are simply divine, let’s face it! Lovin the list. Nothing in there about shoveling snow though.
      Miss you. Had the roadster out for a quick run to the liquor store, essential business you know. Felipé.x

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