Blue Sky, Light Winds

Lourdes, France from our pilgrimage in May.

Beautiful day today. Just got back from tailgating with Catherine after early Mass. We talked about the new revelations of sexual abuse in the Church. This is all being talked about left, right and center. I can tell it weighs heavier on her than it does on me. Fortunately she is headed off to England with Dana to walk Dales’s Way and maybe that will get her mind off of it. I don’t know too much about the trek, what it looks like or it’s purpose but she promised to fill us in.

I know that this blog is supposed to be about the 3 C’s: Cancer, Catholicism and Camino but somehow Catholicism gets pushed to the back burner often. Well maybe that will change. I really never know day to day the direction of this ship of a blog. Sometimes it goes this way and sometime that.

But people ask me why I converted must often. That is the main question I get on this topic of religion. And I usually play the cancer card at that point saying that I really needed spiritual help from a church that has depth and resources. I needed to lean on something. And I did lean on it and continue to.

That is a very practical reason and true but there is more to the story. Just for now I might mention the quest for comfort. I sensed that I would find comfort in the Catholic Church and I have. Mother Mary is the font of comfort and I am learning how to open myself up to that, to her.

And there is more but I want to think about it a little. Time to go for now.
Hopefully will find time to work on my truck and get some air and sun today.

Yours through thick and thin, love, Felipe.