Blessing The Baby

Heart’s Oratorio by Mary Oaks. (photo by Phil Volker)

I just, I just fatfingered my unfinished post into oblivion. Yea, just like that, where did it go? If we could figure out the answer to that we could probably make a bunch of bucks hey? Rewriting is such a exercise in patience. Part of my problem is that I am trying to write this while watching the Seahawks game. Now waiting for halftime to take another run at it.

Ah there, halftime, I’m not much of a multitasker I guess. But what I wanted to tell you about was that this morning was the blessing of the Baby Jesus. Well, that Baby Jesus that is in your manger scene in your living room or perhaps if you are really gung ho your front lawn. Pretty sweet little ceremony.

As usual I am a day late and a dollar short on this. I have yet to wade into the attic to find our manger setup. But I am determined to make that happen.

Speaking of Christmas, just yesterday received a present of a signed copy of Heart’s Oratorio from author Mary Oak. She was here walking last Tuesday. I am getting some real winners to fatten up my winter reading pile. Think I told you about this book the other day. I will include a pic of the cover.

So, we have a walk and tapas later today. Come by when you have had enough football or cookie making. And no rain this afternoon, promise.

bless the baby loves, Felipé.

2 thoughts on “Blessing The Baby”

  1. Dear Fatfinger,
    When I come on Tuesday, I am bringing my wireless iPad keyboard for you to try.
    Corn Salsa Love,
    Henriette Anne

    1. Henriette ~ OK, planning my assembly of the corn salsa here. It is one of those things that gets better if it sets for a while and mingles. Waiting on you loves, Felipé.x

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