“Always Maintain It Up!”

Roses from Jessika.
(photo P. Volker)

Yes, we will try! This is a random addition to the blog from Alene Gaspair. Thank you Alene. Everyday I empty the spam that collects on this blog. There might be two or twenty messages that are somehow sent out to bloggers everywhere possibly worldwide by some enterprising folks for sales of their wares. These don’t make it into Caminoheads Comments but collect and I need to check through them before tossing. I guess possibly there could be something important there but it doesn’t seem like there ever is.

So folks like Alene who I am guessing are not English speakers try and create messages for English speakers and the results are interesting to hilarious when I take the time to actually look. We will give them an E for effort for creating these jumbles. It probably takes the better part of a morning to hammer one out. And dear Alene, where ever she is , ended her message today with the great line: “Always Maintain It Up!” I so like it, we are stealing it!

So, you see what fun we can have without major bucks or without really breaking a sweat. And even though we are soft in the melon, or some of us are, we can maintain high quality and serious quantity around these parts. Yep, some days it just all makes sense. Thanks again Alene.

I cannot go any further without asking for prayers for the Bryant family, of course. My psyche has a love-hate relationship with helicopters. And please remember folks in the service. We had an Airman killed in some incident in Antarctica in the last few days. And we had 30 Marines and a Sailor killed in a helo crash in Iraq yesterday. Just sayin.

We also have a big nurse’s strike going on and I have to get into the epicenter of that on Wednesday, my day to make an appearance at the Institute. I know how to schedule them! Good luck to my lovely nurses.

maintain it up loves always, Felipé.

2 thoughts on ““Always Maintain It Up!””

    1. Jessika ~ Well, winta is cracking, at least around here. We are enjoying the apple butter. Thank you for your help on that. We still have most of the small jars in the freezer and we are able to thaw those one at a time to use at the table. On your last comment you wrote with the help of spellcheck probably the phrase “apple sass”. That’s fun. Felipé.x

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