Allperfect, A New Word Is Born

Angela at the end of the Camino.  Alperfect.
Angela at the end of the Camino. Alperfect.


Just chatting with Mary Margaret and this new word popped up.  Yea, alperfect.  Spellcheck likes it with one “l”.  OK.  Man and machine work out compromise.

I need to catch up on all kinds of details today.  That will be fun.  I’m in the comfy chair at the hospital getting my chemo and this will be good.

So Amita, my friend on the Camino, just checked in yesterday to say that she has 125 km to go.  She is a brave soul as she reports that it is a lot of wind and rain there now.  I can picture it in my mind but totally different than the heat and crowds of August.  Love you Amita, keep going.

We we are still walking on Phil’s Camino here at the ranch.  Just want to put the schedule out here for new comers.

Monday 0900-1000

Friday 0900-1000

Sunday 100o-1100

It has been gorgeous lately but the rain will be back on Friday so wear some boots.

I am looking out the big windows here at the hospital and it is a beautiful day.  The view is to the west and and a quarter of the sky is covered by mare’s tail clouds that predict a change in the weather.  Yup.

Well, I think that Todd is going to write something up for TGIF.  It was great to see him recently.  It will be fun to see what he comes up with.

Alperfect loves, Felipe.






2 thoughts on “Allperfect, A New Word Is Born”

  1. It was such a shame we split from walking together Phil!!! The camino is strange like that… you meet people.. Have connections you would probably never have back at home… and then you split! But we both made it to the end… and we met amazing people along the way 😉 big hugs to you and kel xx

    1. Angela ~ yes, it was an amazing experience with an amazing cast of characters. We were all open to each other because of the shared experience. And we learned from each other. A thing of beauty, alperfect. And in the end we did both make it to the end. And that had its own beauty but I found that it didn’t outshine all the great interaction along the whole way. And I think that is what you are talking about. Love to you, Felipe.

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