All Things Headed Toward Unity

Animating each other!

Well,  all things in my head are headed toward unity.   Planning and voodooing this speech together.  This is a tricky topic, this unity.  The more I get into it the more I have the back up to something more basic and do that homework first.  Ah, but I can’t let too much out here and now.

We plan on recording this event on Thursday.  Nothing is written out but quotes from others on the topic.  I am not going to read much.   Most of it is going to have to come from Felipe’s head and heart.   Well, and there is the Holy Spirit.

It was 55 degrees out this morning when I woke up.  That is pretty darn warm.  We still have an overcast blanketing the area however so it doesn’t look glorious but it is workable.  I have to be outside for a couple days building a small front door stair and railing for a neighbor.

Also my Hunter Education class starts tonight that I help teach.  We give it every year out here on the Island for newcomers to the sport.  It used to be the high point of my year but now I seem to have many high points.  Alperfect as we say.

Thanks for being here with us in our Caminoheads community.  Make the most of today!  Love, Felipe.