All Ready For Our Walk

The rock pile at Phil’s Camino.

We have the morning walk today and I am expecting one car to be here from the mainland. That is unusual and the sign of devoted pilgrims to make the trek so early. I hardly ever know who is coming or not but this time I got a email. So, looking forward to Sui coming and sharing. She is on her way to Spain in a few weeks to walk the Camino. I forget exactly whether this will be her first time or not. She will fill me in with the details shortly.

It was cold here over night with the temperature dropping into the low forties. But plenty sunny now and that will feel good on the trail. May is one of the prettiest months here with the new green leaves and the parade of flowering plants. Everything is new and fresh.

I continue to labor on writing my prayer for National Day of Prayer. Different local folks are doing prayers for different groups and I was lucky to have gotten the “sick and infirmed” in which I am a card carrying member and know something about. It probably isn’t one of the flashier ones so probably has a lot of room for improvement. I view this as a great honor and a great opportunity to express some thoughts. I have four minutes. It would be good to post it here on Friday for you.

So, what else is new here? My Rebecca is buying a new used car for herself. This one belonged to our friend Jessika and will be a good addition to our fleet. It is a Ford Taurus and looks like a good fit for her.

We continue to organize the upcoming convention. Look for news every Wednesday here at the blog. We are adding new things every week.

Off I go. Best wishes to you. Monday morning loves, Felipé.

4 thoughts on “All Ready For Our Walk”

  1. Sick, maybe. Infirm? Never! (Infirm=“of poor or deteriorated vitality; feeble from age; weak of mind; insecure; not solid or stable.”). That makes you FIRM, my friend. Filled with vitality, wisdom, and character. A solid guy. Guess they’re gonna have to get someone else for the “infirm” part of that prayer!

    1. Henriette ~ hey hi. Yes, thanks for that. Yes, that is how I would like to see myself and how I am at my best. But for the prayer I want to speak from within that group. I didn’t want the usual, “oh, let’s have pity on them”. Right? That is what is shaping my writing. I see people who are sick having a vital role to play and not just members of some unfortunate grabbag. See you soon, Felipé.x

      1. Well put. And a powerful perspective. I look forward to reading your prayer when you post it.

        1. Henriette ~ great visit Tuesday. Thanks for making the effort. Praying at high noon today. Felipé.x

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