A Tuesday

A Tuesday that is probably going to be lost in the major pre Christmas rush but we’ll see. My to-do list for today is totally full. I’ll be lucky to get two thirds of it done. But thought that I would bring you a few random pics and comments on them. Just sort of the flotsam and jetsam of my day so far.

Here is a pic of last year’s pilgrimage along California Highway 111 in Rancho Mirage. People celebrating the feast of the Virgin de Guadalupe.

In the winter sunshine.
In the winter sunshine.

Here a totally unrelated pic of chemotherapy on steroids. It’s the old story of just when you thought you have seen it all there is something more. I’ve never had such a confusion of chemo plumbing myself but here someone has.

Bells and whistles.
Bells and whistles.

OK, and finally another unrelated pic out our kitchen window of an Anna’s hummingbird at our feeder. It is funny how something as simple as this can bring such delight and joy as things way more complicated. One of these outside the window of suffering folks could be extremely helpful.

A hummingbird off to the right of the feeder.  Too much clutter to see it's wings, fascinating creatures.
A hummingbird off to the right of the feeder. Too much clutter to see it’s wings, fascinating creatures.

OK, have to get going on my to-do list. Happy Tuesday! Let’s make the most of it loves, Felipe.

4 thoughts on “A Tuesday”

    1. Esther ~ Anything is possible. Great, that would make a good tattoo or t-shirt. And I think that I got everything done on my list, small miracle right there. Hello to Daniel. Felipe.x

  1. Your hummingbird pic reminded me of a saying we had in Harriers. “If you can’t hover, you ain’t s__t”. Semper Fi!

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