A Tale of Two Wheelbarrows

Boots and gloves.

Half of life at the ranch is fixin stuff. Trying to get one more season out of a mower or a tool. Or finding a broken something that I think I can get back into shape to be useful. Or figuring a piece of gear is close to breaking and getting it fixed while you have time. They are all different variations on the same theme.

Right now I have two wheelbarrows that need repair. Things don’t usually gang up on me like that but it is happening today. But then again it’s all not rocket surgery.

I used to work for a local construction company run by a farm genius named Robert. The construction business was just part of the whole scene. There was a landscape and a cider effort going on too. I take a lot of my cues from him as to how to make an operation happen. I often thought that his whole thing was held together by will power or hypnosis. It is all about intention really.

And yes the business is gone and the land sold but the skills and the knowhow lives on. Thank you Robert and Betsy for the education. And that’s where the name of our road comes from, Wax Orchard Road. Wax was Betsy’s maiden name.

And today Day 24 of Lent today. We are further down that road. Annie’s quote: “If you love it enough, anything will talk with you.” George Washington Carver.

There is a good one. Well, they are all good but some strike you in ways that others don’t. And that really did happen on the Camino. I thought that I had made love to the whole thing by the time things were over. Isn’t it funny how we develop this personal relationship even though we are just one in a million or millions. Marvelous really.

Well, my time is up for today. Have to run to town to get some parts for my project. This afternoon I am meeting with Henriette who is working on a book about Cancer and the Camino. A little bit of this and a little bit of that.

Fixin it loves, Felipé.