A Little Graphic

Thinking of next summer! What will it be like to dig out from under all this?
(photo P Volker)

There was a little graphic that was posted on FaceBook that said something like, “The First Christmas was pretty simple. It’s OK, if this year yours is too.” Great! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you for saying that!

Somehow I feel super pressurized right now. Too many things crowding in for attention. Maybe my powwow with Dr Gold on Wednesday is a biggie that will be good to get out of the way. This is the meeting to discuss the outcome of my biopsy from a month ago. Anxiety producing it is!

So I am trying to keep this simple thing in mind. I am going to put off some stuff and streamline some stuff and maybe just forget some stuff. How’s that? I need a mental health break.

Please be kind to yourself in the midst of this time before the holidays. We have some big fish to fry coming up in the new year and we are in this for the long run remember? Big moves are coming up in 2021!

Advent Calendar #14

Think of someone you love, what could you do or give them that you know would make this other person happy? Make sure you do it within the next three days. Cris CSABC

He who has overcome his fears will truly be free. Aristotle

big moves loves, Felipé.

9 thoughts on “A Little Graphic”

  1. Best of luck for the chat with Dr Gold. May it be a good one.

    I find remembering the Camino reminds me that the best times come when I am simple. Slow, one foot in front of the other, in the present.

    I’m on a chemo mandated go slow today. On sofa mainly. Going to try a walk tomorrow.

    Buen slow Camino


    1. Karen ~ hi. And thanks for the reminder, yes, keep it simple. Good luck with your chemo. So happy about your numbers! Felipé.x

    1. William ~ thank you man. I appreciate you keeping track of me. I will let you know the results of the biopsy on the Thursday morning blog. Take care, Felipé.

      1. Dear boss,

        Love from the South too! We are “sandwiching” you with love!!!
        Praying for you too!


  2. Phil, I have been thinking of you and Wednesday, and reciting a prayer for you that is one of my favorite parts of the mass (now I find out it is called an embolism (who knew?) because it is added as an extension to the Our Father.) “Free my heart from all anxiety as we wait in joyful hope [for the test results].” I have a Cat Scan today, which is routine, but, still it always makes me nervous. So, say a prayer today for me, too.
    Free from anxiety love,
    Henriette Anne

    1. Henriette ~ oh, you have a scan today. Best of luck with that. And thank you for the embolism. Yes, free from anxiety love, Felipé.x

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