Had a three hour conversation this morning with Rho on things archery and things Camino. Wore me out. It was just supposed to be writing and I fell asleep in the meantime. Rho just walked three laps on Phil’s Camino while I was snoring. Glad someone is getting something done around here.
Somehow in all our conversation we were able to connect the archery path with the Camino path. Which was very cool. It is maybe a truism maybe the the Camino can be connected to anything somewhere someplace. The connection maybe is history, or inward fortitude, endurance or what not. Don’t have that sorted out.
Here are some pics that Rho came up this morning:

Well, we have been busy if not slightly disjointed. The sun is out and we are going to shoot some arrows here in a little bit. I need to get my energy together. Here we are, life with Rho, love Felipe.