
Well I’m going through the motions today. I have been down for two days with tummy troubles. But I am bouncing back as usually usual. I am pretty much mailing this post in. I have two things for you which are stellar in their own ways.

For one of my 4C’s I give you the Corn Goddess.
(stolen from FaceBook)

And a piece that I also stole from FaceBook which our friend Steve Watkins wrote recently. It is for another C, Camino. Thanks Steve.

When Dana and I served at Pilgrim House in Santiago de Compostela back in 2018, and if I was having a bad day, I’d walk down to the cathedral square and watch pilgrims arrive. There is no way to describe the joy and/or raw emotion of someone who’s just concluded a 500-mile journey on foot, and oftentimes a much longer quest of the heart. I dare you to watch something like this and not be moved.

OK, off to walk. Will have William tomorrow.

dare you loves, Felipé.

4 thoughts on “Ajumble”

  1. Love the Corn Goddess. Hope that’s not Cultural Appropriation! (smile). Whatever works. Good to hear from Steve Watkins. I just finished enjoying his “Pilgrim Strong,” and have already quoted him in my new book (Thanks, Steve).

    1. Henriette ~ Don’t drag me into an minefields now. I’m not too much on those Culturation Appropriatals anyway. Is that a political party? Yes, thanks Steve. Felipé.x

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