I put my feet for the first time in Vashon Island and Raven Ranch!

Dear Caminoheads,
4 years ago today, Phil went to Tacoma airport to pick me up. I had to travel for a work meeting to Chicago, and decided to cross the lake and go to Toronto and meet a very dear friend who I had met online at that time, 5 years before, but never met. And when booking my flights, I asked Phil if he would be up for a visit. He said yes, and that was it.
The next thing was me, landing in Tacoma, chatting away with Henry, the man who was sitting next to me in the flight, -who started a conversation with me when I asked the stewardess for cup of tea instead of coffee, and he said he worked for Twinnings. I guess he asked me what I did for a living, and when I told him, he shared with me that his best friend had a liver transplant many years ago and was alive due to a clinical trial -, and gazing Phil, wearing his red cap, in the distance.
Phil and I merged in a hug before I could say good bye to Henry, and before Phil would tell Henry: “She is a peach!” The three of us laughed, and Henry went on his way and Phil and I went to his truck. It was raining, and already then, all sounded so crazy! And it got crazier and funnier when we arrived to the ranch and I was introduced to these “birds” (chukers) that we would eat for dinner. -As you know, I am a city girl, so the birds with the feathers took me a bit by surprise!- We then watched baseball, Rebecca tried and tried and tried to explain to me what was going on in the pitch, and we had a great talk with James (who Phil calls “The Most Interesting Man in the World In Training”), Wiley and Henna.
That was the first evening of a fun 3 days… but it is late here, so more soon!
Chatty loves,
Thank You Cris for sharing these Special moments with Phil, Rebecca and Family. Everyone at Raven Ranch has to be admired for their open and Heart warming welcome with which they greet us Pilgrims.Truly the Salt of Mother Earth.
Hugs all round………..
Yes, that is Phil, happy to pick you up at the airport. Raven ranch is such a warm and inclusive place especially for ‘peaches.’
I have sort of seen Toronto but not been as I flew there from London to change for Mexico City and I could see the lake and the CN Tower can’t say I’ve been as the airport is technically in Mississauga which seems like a suburb of Toronto but is technically a separate place.I have been to Montreal on a bus from Boston which is very scenic travelling through the mountains of New Hampshire and Vermont and takes about 7 hours.