Maybe these guys are going to be open today. (photo P Volker)
Here at the Institute doing the Felipé thing. Dr Gold gave me the interpretation of my scan which was stable. Tumors stable! So he said that we were going to stay the course, just what I want to hear. So, time to celebrate. I give that advice to folks all the time to celebrate their small victories although sometimes I forget for my own. Maybe that even could be worded differently, maybe, no victory is too small to celebrate. Let me try that for a while.
I just scored some more financial aid from the Institute also. So yea, time to get the celebration going, what the hey! Beautiful day today too to celebrate in. The weather pattern bringing us that cold dry air from Canada.
Nice little cruise coming up here to get back the the Island. Life could be a whole lot worse. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I’m on the dock waiting to get on this next boat to Vashon. Some kind of glorious afternoon going on here. I am returning from my scan at the Institute. Just going to make the walk at 1530. And I don’t get the interpretation from Nugget till tomorrow so a little anxiety in the air.
Well, I got some nice response to my plea for help on the trail that was in yesterday’s post. You guys are all great! This will make things easier, better and most of all more fun.
Here we go, next stop Vashon Island. What a day for a mini sea cruise? And going home to a walk and Reuben sandwiches afterward for dinner. Most seriously bueno!
Thanks for joining me on our walks over the years now! (photo P Volker)
Happy Monday! Well, I don’t feel quite that peppy but I’m working on it. Steve-O our CNWBC showed up yesterday afternoon with his side kick Rasmus. Rasmus is is a large dog, a flat coat retriever like our Sture who died in the documentary as you’ll remember. He is sort of a junior Sture, very much still a puppy.
Anyway, they will be here for a few days. And just a thought, if you all are traveling through the Seattle area please feel free to stop by. We are here most all the time these days. You may want to stay for an hour or a couple of days.
But what I wanted to write to you about was that I want to have you start thinking about the trail as being yours. It really isn’t just mine anymore. We sort of use it together so my thinking is that we sort of own it together. And with that in mind I am going to ask if you could share in some of the work and expenses of it. For five years I have felt like I would and could provide this for you, say as a gift. And that is good but as time goes on and my energy lessens maybe that is not sustainable. So now I am basically asking for your help in two ways.
March 8th the time is going to change and we will be going to our summer schedule which means for one thing that we will have our afternoon walks start at 4 o’clock instead of the wintertime 3:30. And this time I am going to add that one hour before that on Sunday, so at 3 o’clock, we will have a work party for one hour. And that is in good weather only and nothing too heavy duty. Just clean up and improvements along the half mile trail.
The goal has always been to keep the trail safe but not too civilized. To keep it as wild as possible and still have it not be a chore to walk on. It is a balance that I think has been working so far and I would like that to continue. So, I will have a small project ready for each session and you can join me if you wish, just show up with gloves and not your Sunday best on. We will try it out.
And the other part of this that I would like to start March 8th is to display a donation jar at the rockpile for help with essentials. Things like candles, birdseed, gravel, wood chips and fuel are needed at different times and places though the year. I will keep this little cookie jar fund to help with those items. And if we get a little extra maybe we will be able to buy some cedar and build some benches for places along the trail.
Well, thanks for all your support so far, I appreciate it. We will continue to keep things going at a respectable level as best we can and you can help out with that. Thanks.
Walking in a minute, Monday morning loves, Felipé.
Back from Mass with Catherine and it’s late morning of a beautiful day. Cold clear air moving in to the vicinity. Blogging now after a coffee klatch with Catherine, we’re trying to catch up. She and Dana may be over this afternoon to walk. Yea, and Wiley and I have two trees to plant and two to prune before that. My day fills up.
But to the blog. My dear Sister Joyce, my spiritual director for years, called yesterday from Iowa. It was so great to hear her voice even over our funky cell phone connection. And she is coming to Seattle in May or June. I told her to bring some corn mojo from Iowa as that is when we will be planting and praying ours up.
Plans are being made for the Veranda gathering. Let me repeat the dates, that’s August 21st through the 24th. That is a Friday through Monday situation. We had such a good time last year that everyone said hey, let’s do it again. This is keeping the Camino alive at it’s best.
So, put it on your calendar and work toward being here with us.
I think that I am going to take off and get things started around here.
Oh, and Steve-O our CNWBC will be rolling in today. Never a dull moment for Raven Ranch.
Back from my men’s group, you know the Bible Guys. It was fun and rewarding. But right now I am home up stairs hiding out waiting for My Rebecca’s book group to finish up who are camped out in our living room. They are laughing and generally having a great time down there. Just one of My Rebecca’s groups along with two choirs and two for writers. This is what we are doing these days.
I was lucky enough to have talked a new friend into going with me to Bible Guys this morning. Several weeks ago in class we were talking about how the Gospel was spread in the first place. Ethiopia came up and we had to admit that we knew little about this corner of Africa. And as luck would have it I have been working with Bob for a year now and he was born there and is current and talkative on events and on history of the place. So, perfect fit.
Something was sticking in my mind through all this and I was going to run it by you. When telling Bob about this group that I was hoping he would come to I said that we were doing something more basic than religion. Don’t really know where that came from, just popped out Holy Spirit style. Bob had expressed to me that he was skeptical of religion if I may put words in his mouth. That is a rough paraphrase. I can appreciate that in terms of honestly and in terms of position. Religion in general has a lot of apologizing and penance to do.
So, in our class it has always been an unwritten rule to leave as much of our personal baggage at the door as possible. This is political stuff, class stuff, regional stuff and yes, religious stuff. Well, let’s see, are there other stuffs? There is philosophical stuff as is this piece that we are reading to be taken literally or symbolically. Well obviously it is impossible to cleanse our discussion one hundred percent of all this, nor would you want to. We are humans for pete sake, not celestial beings.
But I think that reading the Bible to just see what it has to say, first and foremost, is more than half the program. And well worth the price of admission I might add. Of course one needs a certain amount of perspective to gain any meaning but keeping that as honest as possible is important. Well, there it has been said.
But I think pilgrimage is more basic than religion also. It begs to be participated in by such a broad spectrum of folks from backgrounds hither and yon. There is more to explore here but my Saturday beckons.
Ah, St Valentine’s Day today. Everything is all red and chocolate covered out there like the happening of an overnight snow fall. I didn’t sleep well last night, I was tossing and turning and kept thinking about writing this post. Hmm. I don’t usually labor so.
On this Valentine’s Day I think of my folks, Fred and Jean, who had a ritual of kissing before sitting down to a meal and then pray and eat. And they would sit down to a meal because that was a big ritual that they followed religiously. That was important back then to sit down with the family and guests and I still think it is but maybe that is old fashioned. But anyway I think that was all affection in different forms.
Fred’s sister Esther was unmarried and was at our house at least once a week. She loved Jean’s good home cooking usually in the German or Polish realm. I remember Mom heating up dinner plates in the oven so the food would be hotter when she served us, just an extra little touch.
But I would spend all day with Aunt Esther working on my stamp collection or playing games or reading books. She would bring little treats: an ice cream sandwich, or Ovaltine or scotch tape. I don’t remember kissing but we must have but she did laugh at my jokes which seemed big. Ah, but the most important thing was that we loved to play Cootie together. Yeh, Cootie, we must have played a million games. This I now realize is all affection whether kisses are remembered or not.
Back when I was a teenager I was lucky enough to have a great second Mom and Dad who happened to be the parents of my best friend. They are all gone now including my best friend. But they were a great stabilizing force for me and I miss them so. Mel and Mabel both grew up on farms, Mel from northwest Iowa and Mabel from just down the road in our northwest New York. Somehow the Navy brought Mel east to meet his future wife. Mel worked as a brakeman or fireman on the railroad. They had three children together and somehow had the energy to semi adopt me. Later in Mabel’s life she came down with cancer while Mel was in a wheelchair. I had the opportunity to drive Mel around in his special van and one day I took him to the hospital to see Mabel, the last time I saw Mabel. But they had a nice visit and when we got ready to go Mel had me maneuver his wheel chair over to to bedside to kiss Mabel on the lips. It was so beautiful and I felt like I was a part of it being sort of the engineer of it all.
Well, I hope this was all worth my lack of sleep. I don’t know what Rebecca and I are going to do, maybe something exciting and risqué like ordering a pizza! Ah, life goes on.
Our friend and author Henriette Klauser was here on Tuesday. She loves to come over to the ranch on Tuedays and we gab and she has questions that need answering. I sometimes forget that we, well actually she, is working during these sessions on writing her next book about Cancer and the Camino.
We talk and seem to wander in our conversations hither and yon. But it all has a point I think. Sometimes My Rebecca participates. And Tuesday they got on this topic of how they each set up time to write. Rebecca, this is a loose paraphrase, works on her day and when inspiration strikes she runs to the computer to capture it, all seemly very random. Henriette is the opposite where she has specific times and goes and works no matter what. She tries in different ways to set herself up for this encounter. Lately she has been doing this really crazy thing where she goes out through one outside door, locks it, and walks around to another exterior door and lets herself in to get to her writing space, all in the same house. A sort of ritual to make it a journey, to make it special.
Well, we laughed at that but it is not so far fetched really. My backyard camino is full of quirky little rituals to make it separate, to make it special. The whole thing is a ritualistic attempt to promote a certain head space or heart space maybe. It really doesn’t make sense to plenty of folks, oh well. That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work for some of us.
Henriette and I spied these yesterday on our walk. The first crocus here at the ranch. (photo P Volker)
Oh, how I remember my reentry from the Camino in 2014, years ago now but vivid like yesterday. And now I have reentry from reading a pilgrimage book. I guess I was really there “walking”.
Catalina my friend and art historian read all the way through my years of blog posts reported reentry symptoms on finishing. Same sort of deal where a description of an activity has the power to carry the reader away to that somewhere else place. I knew very little about this thousand mile trail from Canterbury to Rome beforehand and now I practically have the blisters.
In the acknowledgements of A Pilgrimage to Eternity the author gave kudos to two folks that helped out on the editing process that I know from St. John Vianney’s. I was so amazed by that striking so close to home. My friends John and Karen fired back an email answering mine that they had a modest role, well of course.
John in his email wrote, ”We thought he did a fine job of blending together a pilgrimage, a personal story and a faith odyssey.” He did indeed, that you could say with assurance. I for one was totally mesmerized by the whole deal.
If I could springboard on that, for my blog post’s benefit I would say that closely resembles my personal experience with my Camino. Things internal and external, old and new, earthly and heavenly seem to intertwine so tightly that they became my new self. Does that make some sense? Things intertwine on pilgrimage, that’s what they do. It all becomes very personal in the end. Just a thought from Felipé.
OK, thinking of you. Cris says that we are halfway to August and the 2020 Veranda gathering. I will trust her calculations.
Sometimes when all else fails one has to rely on stream of consciousness for help. It just gave me that title, not too bad really. I’m staring at the February overcast sky trying to find some feature or break but it is endlessly homogeneous like a milkshake or a washcloth as Tom Robbins put it. And just then a fast moving flock of unnamed birds flew through my gaze giving me a hint that maybe I should search elsewhere.
I have two more chapters of Tim Egan’s book left unread and I am trying to savor that. And in the meantime everyone and their brother has read this book. Everyone that is in my neighborhood anyway. We are even calling him Tim now all of a sudden. How cool are we, like he is the guy next door? Anyway, pilgrimage seems to be a juicy topic but we already know that.
Henriette is coming today speaking of authors, to interview me and walk and have tapas. I told you already but I have some part in her new book about Cancer and the Camino just to review. That is not the title but just what I call it, a working title it is. There, look at those two topics joined together, one juicy and one powerful and desperately in need of help. It’s the clash of the titans. This so needs to happen and work itself out. Thank you Henriette for taking this on.
And as I wait for her to drive in the yard I will try and put the finishing touches on my business books for ‘19 and try to get on top of my taxes. I am doing pretty good with this and am trying to keep on time. But that is a whole story that is boring and totally unnecessary here at the moment. But wish me luck anyway.
Well, time to go and try and make sense of things, the eternal quest.