(photo P Volker)
The sun is out right now and buds are swelling. It will go back and forth rain, sun, rain ,sun but eventually the sun will bring springtime, I have faith.
Father Fred celebrated Mass today substituting for his cousin our regular Father David. They are both good in their own way but oh so different. They do the same job but their styles are so diverse. It is always fun, bless them both. God shines through both of them but like a prism reveals differences, their lights are different colors but bright none the less. Alperfect, right? It is just the way it should be.
So, in Father Fred’s homily today was the message of how we influence one another. It started out asking the question of why are you here? And then, how did you get here? And who got you here as in who influenced you to come to church? That was all to show how people influence people. And who are we influencing these days? Hard to tell really but it happens all the time so we can figure that we play a role in the process somewhere, somehow.
Yup, walking later, just right about the time that the game is starting. So, we will walk and let the game get started and let the players get their nerves out of the way. Hoping for a good game today anyway. I am rooting for the Chiefs for no particularly good reason. We will see what happens!
you influenced me loves, Felipé.