I don’t know exactly what that means but we haven’t let that slow us down in the past. Sometimes things just work out like they have a life of their own above and beyond our control. We roll with things like that.
The sun is out here in a serious way this morning. I have high hopes for getting some of my chores caught up. This is my idea of heaven to be messing around outdoors. Just got back from my Bible Guys class where I led today on Mark chapter 8.
Last night I saw one of my buddies that I hadn’t seen in a while and he called me by my nickname which is Lucky. He is the only one that calls me that but I think that it is apt never the less. It is profitable and fun being lucky I would say. I have been extremely lucky since my personal meeting with cancer is my story really.
And so I plan on continuing to keep this mojo going into the territory of the future. So Far So Good, right? I am going to let you go early today as the sunshine is calling me to join it. I’ll get the tractor and the chainsaw going and make some real noise!
Lucky loves, Felipé.