No big thoughts. But realizing that we have inertia. We have momentum. At this point it is easier to walk on than it is to stop. We have gathered so much energy over the years that movement is what we do. We have to think of ourselves that way.
I’m off to my Bible Guys in a moment. Then Sherie is coming with her two grandsons. They all want to walk and shoot arrows. Wow, what more is there? Well, a few things.
I continue to treat my skin with holy water from Lourdes. I continue to get stronger day by day. Yesterday I planted an Oregon Grape plant that neighbor Charlie brought by. And am continuing to make progress on my church cabinet job that has to be done before I can leave for France. That’s a little over six weeks away.
Keep going sort of loves, Felipe.
Thank you for sharing your spring flowers, and news of those who pass your way. We had the opportunity to share the video with a friend last night and she was blessed, wanting to know how to get a copy. Watching it again brought back such sweet memories of our day with Rebecca and you. Love to you all
Ron ~ I finally get some of the stuff I am doing. The relating of the change of the seasons and of who visits gives a context to things that happen here. Things like Lin asking what have we had figured out. That occurred in the context of the walk here at Raven Ranch on a windy day in the spring of 2018. Things seem to make better sense when they are talked about in context. And thanks for sharing the film. That is important business. Hello to Ann, Felipe.