Running back from Port Townsend and the festival to make it back to the ranch. Have a walk at 4 PM to get to. So, generally the trail is in good shape. The Fall thing is going on and there is a little rain here and there but no mud as of yet. Come by!
There is the official Phil’s Camino patch for your backpack.
Mt Rainer was staring right at me as I rounded the corner, bigger than heck. She’s not always around this time of year but not today. All I can think of is that Steve our visitor from Arkansas didn’t get a chance to see her.
I have nothing particular on my mind this morning as I write but thought that I had better get started. Blue sky out the window, unusual. We have a little period of high pressure in between storms. One coming tonight and then one Tuesday. So today and Monday will be nice. Well monday is Monday Night Football from Seattle so we put in for decent weather.
Last night I finished “Pilgrimage” the book about Pope Francis. That was a good read and I got a much clearer picture of the man. Hopefully you will get a chance to check it out soon. It is very timely and makes sense for us all here today so don’t hesitate. If you have been good maybe you will get it for Christmas.
Also, it is our good luck that we have a quantity of Phil’s Camino patches in from Annie O’Neil. We have enough to give away to folks that come here to walk. Yea, easy peasy, come by. Thanks Annie! She’s really our quirky fairy godmother. Love you!
And William sends pics of snow in Calgary. Pilgrim Farmer John says there is snow in the air there in Iowa. Steve Watkins is back in Arkansas doing book signings with his new “Pilgrim Strong” Camino book. Angela is back in Sydney after her trip here this last summer. I haven’t heard lately from the crew at the Santiago church in Lake Forest. And I haven’t heard from Padre Tomas recently. What’s up? The Marauders are hard at work in their area of influence where there is no snow I might add. And Cris is back in Buenos Aires enjoying late Spring, miss you. It has been such a rich year full of many great people! I have much to be thankful for.
And a Happy Thanksgiving to you all, turkey loves, Felipe.
Hey, looking good on the inside according to yesterday’s scan. My tumors showing slight growth but we are staying the course with my treatments. So far so good. Always an anxious time waiting for the results but things good. Next scan in four months, Janurary.
Now just cruising along on the chemicals for another hour and then I can start packing up for my escape back to the Island. Man, hoping the traffic is better this PM, bad bad this morning.
Just had a talk with one of the nurses that I have become closest to. We had a talk about Jennifer’s passing. Sort of a catch up on the whole year of the Phil and Jennifer Show here at the Treatment Center. My take away is that we were doing great work in lessening the fear of the treatment itself of the chemotherapy.
It is an interesting process to be fighting cancer and fighting the treatment at the same time, kind of a two headed monster. The cancer is bad and the treatment is bad. The fear of the cancer is bad and the fear of the treatment is bad. How do we get a handle on that? So apparently the folks in the know gave us high marks in lowering the fear level for both of those. Cancer Commandos on the job!
That’s very rewarding to get some positive feedback on our work. We all need that. More to come, of course. Love you guys, Felipe.
My Rebecca is off to her book club meeting. I just got back from my Bible Guys class. The sun is blazing, not typical for a February morn. In class I was sitting by the window facing the southeast. The sun was pouring in. I was the proverbial fat cat dozing in the warmth on a braided rug.
Christ’s story was coming through to me in soft terms and tones. I was simmering in it there, sort of a slow pot roast kind of guy. Love you, a tender Felipe.
Our daughter Tesia checked in too remind me of important information that had escaped me yesterday. She had her lovely baby boy, Osian, one year ag
Love once again.
o yesterday. Yea, as that was going on she said that she was thinking of me walking my few last kilometers on Phil’s Camino. That was the exact day that I finished walking my 909 laps around the backyard Camino. I had started on my birthday, December 21st of 2013, and finished on May 12th of 2014, Osian’s birthday.
Let me look at the the logbook for that date and see what it says. I walked three laps that morning. Signe walked on the first lap and we got done at 0940. Then I rode the riding lawnmower around for the second last lap! That was because when I started this whole process I was so weak and I thought that the only way that I would ever complete the walk would be by riding my mower. So, we did it once for the fun of it.
Then in for the final lap, 909, Bill and Susan, Signe, My Rebecca and Our Wiley walked. We got in at 1027. Then we jumped in the car and blasted down to St Joe’s Hospital in Tacoma to see the new addition to our family for the very first time, amazing day.
And we FaceTimed with Tesia, Ramon and Osian last evening on the kid’s first birthday. I say that lovely, kid, as he is no longer a baby. He’s walking sort of, not quite good enough for the Camino but walking.
So, lots has happened in this anniversary year. Let’s see, training with Kelly and Rick, off to Spain and the Camino de Santiago, meeting all our Camino buddies, the movie, meeting and working with all those great movie people. Then there was coming back to the ranch and reality. (“What is reality anyway?” Quote from Anamaria during that period.) There was keeping the blog going and contemplating the Pilgrim Beautitudes. Our Wiley was hiking the Pacific Coast Trail, Our Tesia was being a first time Mom and My Rebecca was keeping it all together. There was film shoots and work and parties with the film crew and Annie. There were the chemo treatments and appointments with Dr Gold and Dr Zucker. There were visits by Sister Joyce, Reverand Bonnie, Father Tom, each leaving me with priceless jewels of inspiration, wisdom and insight. There were thoughts and prayers coming in and going out to all corners of the universe and beyond. There was Esther, Caminohead extraordinaire, coming for three months to be with us. There was my old friendship with Steve-O, a new friend Jennifer and My Rebecca keeping things together. There was our beautiful dog Sture getting cancer and dying like a Prince at the film shoot party. Wow. There was Catherine y Dana walking here and going to Spain carrying my map. Art off to Spain taking my poles for one more trip. John bringing me a handmade rosary, off to the Camino in August. Jody y Ken off to Spain lucky enough not to carry anything from me.
Seems like ten years of stuff doesn’t it? I’m tired just thinking about it. Have to go and get some more stuff done, ah, love you, Felipe.