The weather lately has been so gorgeous. One side of that is that I am worn out trying to be out in it getting things done but the other side is it’s great for walking Phil’s Camino. No puddles, no mud and that sun has warmth! And we have had tapas out on the tapas table on the deck for two afternoon walks in a row. Yea, that is what I want to tell you.
And gosh, we are close to the Spring Equinox. We are making progress on this springtime. The sun is streaming in the east window right now as I write. And walking in a few minutes and I will take my camera to show you what it looks like.
And the idea of Phil’s Camino being a salon holds as spring unfolds. Interesting people doing interesting things from interesting places show up to share themselves. This all really starts to bloom in this time of warmer conditions when more folks show up. Not that we don’t love our hardy winter time walkers and they keep it alive for those fallow months. But this time here is the springtime of ideas too and of sharing and creativity. Exciting, no?
Those pics of the color in the hills of California are really exciting too. Rho SWCBC has been putting them up on FB. Maybe she can give us a key to what different plants show up as all those different colors. I got that the orange is the California poppy but what else is in there? It is a total riot of color!
So, maybe that is what we are hoping for at our get together this August a total riot! Maybe I could work that into the name: Caminoheads’ Total Riot or Felipé’s Total Riot! Yeaaa.
Total riot love, Felipé.
I know that the orange flowers are poppies but I am unsure about the others. One friend told me there are Canterbury Bells too. We do have a bright yellow mustard plant that is blooming everywhere right now but I am unsure if those are what is in the picture. The hills are alive with color right now and unlike anything I have ever seen here before.
Rho ~ It is just too gorgeous. It is interesting how there are streaks of color. Different species prefer different types of soils maybe. They don’t seem to mix. Well, enjoy it while it lasts. Hope to talk to you soon. Felipé.x