Sorry that I am really late today with posting. It was a busy day at the hospital but I am here now. Just to report on the goings on, I read a lot of papers and signed this and that. And there was this test and that test. So not really going to start on any treatment til next Tuesday.
Yesterday we talked about Annie’s 6th day quote and Cris wrote some great stuff on the Comments. I copied and pasted a paragraph from that for you here:
“The Camino opened me to the experience of feeling “a part of this all”, funny enough I never felt a part of the creation before. Almost contemporaneously, I read John O’Donohue, and he wrote: that it is not a random act that we are here… as from the million of combinations that could have occurred at conception, “we” were made… It was not that we were “waiting” in an incarnation lobby ready to get a phone call and show up… and that was because there is something we have to do here that cannot be done by anyone else (otherwise that other being would be here and not us). For me, seeing this in this way was revealing… it makes me feel responsible for this life of mine, for making sure I contribute to make this world a better, kinder and healthier place, because I have some privileges others don’t have, and being “a part” of this, I must take over my place fully… I don’t have the “right” to not show up…”
So, here we are at the seventh day of Lent. Let’s see what Annie has for her 7th day quote:
“Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn’t anyone who doesn’t appreciate kindness and compassion.” The Dalai Lama
It feels odd to try and follow or improve on the Dalai Lama to me here at the moment. Seems like he is getting down to the basics here. And it seems that we got pretty basic on the Camino and we learned these kind of lessons from folks around us even though we might not have been speaking the same language.
I have to check out, exhausted. Tomorrow is another day. See you here. Dalai Lama loves, Felipé.
Felipe, We show up, live, love and light. Rest my Peregrino Brother! Love and Light! 🌺.
Sherie ~ you are a treasure. And speaking of showing up tell me, are you arriving Tacoma on Friday or Raven Ranch on Friday? Felipé.x
Somehow I didn’t realize you posted daily or that you posted after walking the Camino in Italy/France. Well now I know and will follow.
Bonnie welcome aboard! Yea, this blog is serious business, here for the long run. We are going to miss your presence at the treatment center. But you will be able to read the blog down south. See you Tuesday. Felipé.x