(photo K Burke)
The important thing to remember when reading this blog is that it basically has to do with the Camino. And a saying that goes with the Camino is, “When you get to Santiago your Camino begins.” Yes. And so this is where I still am today years later, walking my personal Camino and that is really what this blog is about.
I met someone new yesterday who was very interested in finding us here and checking it out. So, this is mostly for her or for others new on the scene. I know getting up to speed on a blog might be daunting, reading for weeks to get a glimpse of the flow, of the theme. So, there is a big hint.
And the saying largely fueled the early days and years of my writing here. What exactly does this mean I explored. And here today years later I am still on this trail because we did find the answer to it. It is exactly what it says. The Trail in Spain and all the glorious details of it, the revelations on it, the pain and the healing of it was a training ground to prepare me/us to come back to our lives and
have a new and better way to see things. A new way to be has been learned and internalized.
And we have good days and bad and good years and bad but we continue. We continue creatively and joyfully in the rain and the sun both. We welcome others. We begin to leave space for others in our schedule in our view. We appreciate things and people and efforts made. Taking things for granted is gone now.
The ability to walk or to “walk” is a joy. No need to stress over getting to a goal. Living gracefully turns into the goal of goals.
So, we have maybe greatly expanded the definition of the Camino or more correctly we have found the Camino to be a very expansive concept. It is the Way as has been said. None of this is new really just new to each of us as we discover it and see it.
So, yea, as Kelly would say to me, “Let’s review…” That is what we are doing today.
let’s review loves, Felipé.
Even for those who have been reading a long time, it is good to review:).
Michelle ~ hello, how are things? Knock on wood, no snow! Glad you appreciated the review. Felipé.x
So well put, my friend, and so true, so true. I love that you “leave space in your schedule for others,” with a welcome for all. That is the way of the Camino, too. Leave room for the unexpected, and embrace it when it comes, even if it is not what you planned for that day. Be open to new possibilities, without an agenda. Miracles happen. You’ve got to be there to see them. That’s what we bring back from the Camino into our everyday life.
Living gracefully love,
Henriette Anne
Henriette ~ well put my dear. As a matter of fact it is so well put that it may show up in the blog today. Miss you, Felipé.x
Henriette ~ see you Tuesday at 1330. Felipé.x
Hi Felipe,
What you wrote reminds me of the story that Tim Kreider, an author, tells about getting randomly stabbed in the back and in the throat. He almost died from the wounds. For the following year, the things that used to rattle him like work, traffic, challenging relationships, computer issues, etc. were not the big deals that they were in the past. After all, he was living in “bonus time.” He had survived a random attack, a near death experience. He was alive! He had perspective.
A year later though, he writes that the same everyday anxieties and frustrations he experienced began creeping back. He had re-entered the “busywork of living, the slog of everyday life.”
God give us grace to stay the course in our own personal Caminos, to not lose sight of a new and better way to see things as you say.
Thank you, Felipe, for writing.
Curt ~ OK buddy you just made the cut. Your comment just may show up on today’s blog post. Thanks, Felipé.
Wow, that’s cool!
Curt ~ great to hear from you again. Yes, that particular post should be helpful to you. Felipé.
I love this one, boss! And I needed to read it today too!
Looking forward to 2020 Veranda sooooooo much!!!
Can you start storing a pile of hugs for me along with the logs for the fireplace?
Just love,
Cris ~ hehe, a stockpile-o-hugs! I like it. Felipé.x