Our dear neighbor Michelle sent in an email reminding me that I am a part of the “great cloud of witnesses”. Yes, remind me, remind me, constantly remind me! This should be a constant hum in our consciousness!
Here in the past we have talked of it as the “cloud of believers” and the “flow of pilgrims”. Same same, right? But what a powerful notion to be caught up in. To be swept along by the magical inertia of those around you. We do that for each other or it is what we do when we are at our best. For this I am joyful!
Thank you Michelle. Thinking of you in your green houses planting all those seeds for the plants that you will sell later in a few months. It is the start of a busy time for you. Maybe I can break away for an hour here or there to help.
I am still high on the flow of pilgrims that we had here on Sunday afternoon. Sui and her magical mystery tour came to Phil’s Camino. Am I lucky or what? They come and talked of the mighty pilgrimages that they have taken. I listen, I learn, I am inspired. Just tell me, just how can we go wrong?
Time to go. Shopping day for Felipe. Have to buy the corned beef and cabbage for Saturday’s dinner. Oh, I start treatment again tomorrow, pray for me please, it will take courage. Thanks, flow-on-loves, Felipe.
Hola Amigo Felipe,
I am going to link this post with your facebook post you shared today. That piece of David Whyte, Friendship, from the “Consolation” book is one I truly love. I am deeply moved by it all, but when it gets to the end, I almost always weep:
“But no matter the medicinal virtues of being a true friend or sustaining a long close relationship with another, the ultimate touchstone of friendship is not improvement, neither of the self nor of the other, the ultimate touchstone is witness, the privilege of having been seen by someone and the equal privilege of being granted the sight of the essence of another, to have walked with them and to have believed in them, and sometimes just to have accompanied them for however brief a span, on a journey impossible to accomplish alone.”
And I think it has to be with what you wrote today here, in the blog… the privilege of witness, having been seen and having been granted the privilege of see the essence of the other… and how this witnessing act is related to “walking”, to our pilgrimage, in the Camino, in life, or “Here”… and it is so true that “this journey” (wherever?whatever the “this” is) is something impossible to accomplish alone… But also, it moves the word “believe” in the paragraph… there is so much on it… trust, courage, faith,…
This experience and what it brings, are treasures, we almost never read about all these in the newspaper or broadcasted in the news, but “we” are subjects and witnesses of all them on a daily basis and “Here” is a frequent space where all this lives…
I have thought about that frequently…
Witnessing love,
Cris ~ Gracias amiga. “Here” is a space where all this lives… I love the way you get this. Felipe.x