Yea, hey, out of this world news! Corn season is officially open here at Raven Ranch! No joke Bwana! We got into a dozen ears yesterday at tapas to start the season officially.
This is the Sugar Buns variety ripening which is impressive with it’s earliness. It is tender and very delicate. It will run about two weeks til it peters out. The next variety Bodacious will be ready, of course God willing, for the Veranda party. This is a perfect example of alperfect!
And as long as we are talking corn 🌽, the final variety Golden Jubilee, bigger and better than anything, like third gear, will come along. What a show, almost better than the fireworks on the Fourth of July!
OK, preparations proceed for the Veranda party. People are asking how they can help and I am assigning things for them to do. I am going to drop all other duties here pretty quick so I can concentrate on it. Oh boy!
Monday morning walk coming up. Where are my shoes?
bodacious loves, Felipé.