Sleeping Standing Up

Kelly, Rick and I have another meeting this evening to work on the problem of getting pix on the blog.  This is essential to figure out.  I am grateful for their persistence.  What we need is a good solid eleven year old.

Annie is on her way to Buffalo, NY to do the question and answer sessions that go along with the showings of “Walking the Camino”.  I am trying to link her up with my friends there.  I was born and grew up there.

Back to things Camino, yesterday I was practicing walking in a relaxed mode.  Just how empty can I get in body and brain to just glide along and rest while on the move?  De-stress and unwind and still keep up the pace.  Quite the worry and just keep moving with the least amount of effort.  I have heard it said that worry is a tool of the Devil.  Keeping our limited energy compact and moving in a straight line to the west is what we are after.

In the service I can definitely remember taking catnaps while standing up.  Of course we did a lot of things that we didn’t think were possible.  So, it doesn’t seem at all out of the question to be able to walk and relax and rejuvenate on the move.  Worth a try, yes?