Off to the big city with Catherine in a while to get a scan to see how my lungs are doing. Two months of treatments accomplished and now to see what is happening. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
Wiley and I were out pruning our plum tree yesterday. I worked for half an hour before I ran out of steam but it was a gorgeous day and I couldn’t resist trying. It is right along where we walk the trail and Wiley found this brand new pair of reading glasses in the grass. They are 2.50 strength with brown frames. Who knows how long they have been out there. Are they yours?
Time for a shower and shave. Hope everything is well with you. Love, Felipe.
sending blessings for your day misseur’
Nancy ~ hi. Thanks dear. Hope to see you soon. Felipe.x
Thinking of you!
Cris ~ Yes, I can feel it. As always, Felipe.x
Ok, Buddy. Yet in my heart and thoughts today. I need to share what Joanna said about the here and now spirituality you now have and how it’s impacts inside and outside of you enrich us. And you.
See ya soon. In SEA March 5-15.
Steve ~ Here trying to catch up on all the comments. Spring trailing game on the tube. Hello to you all. Felipe.
What is a yer? Sounds like a Dr Suess deal.
Oh man, I am wishing you a great day today my good friend. Today is a good day to have a good day.
Ryck ~ miss you smiley face. Felipe.
Safe road trip to the Wild civilization, Felipe’. Peddle to the metal, Catherine. Sending blessed thoughts and prayers your way. Feel Them? Buen Camino, Peregrina Sherie
Hey Peregrina! How is everything down there? Spring yet? We are all hoping it will warm up here soon. Are you coming up? Felipe.x
Warm? Heck no. Been freezing my petunias. Yep, leaving on a jet plane tomorrow afternoon. Be there 12 days. You say when. I’ll bring hearty food….and wine. Buen Camino, Peregrino. Your archery buddy….Love, Sherie
Sherie ~ give me a call and we will plan something. Felipe.x
Sherie ~ OK, sounds good. Felipe.x
Dearest Felipe,
I agree with Ryck that today is a good day to have a good day! I am a day late to this party, but it is a good thing to remember each and every day, isn’t it? In my daily spiritual reading today it said that the world needs a new concept of God. I think what you are doing, what I have had the privilege of documenting, is something on that same idea. A new concept of pilgrimage, a new concept of devotion, a new concept of acceptance. Perhaps it is the idea that we can have our relationship with the Camino anywhere we are. If people really get that, they will see that they can have their relationship with God anywhere they are. It’s happening now! Right now!!! And now, too! In the bible it states that the kingdom of God is at hand, and whenever I hear that I think God is in the hand, too! Anyway, I love you, I love you, I love you, and I want all the best for you. You have taught me that we can have everything we want as long as we don’t get too attached to what it looks like. Have a good day today and every day. Your friend, Annie
Annie ~ gosh that was beautiful. Man, all the writing around here has taken a turn for the better lately. Thanks. I am going to do a reread on Everyday Camino to get ready for Lourdes. Struggling along, Felipe.x
We’re with you, Phil. As Annie said, I love you. I love you. I love you. The Camino has connected us all together. The field of stars has cast a bright light across the sky wherever we are….all connected by the glistening white against the dark sky. We make up the sparkle, the flicker, the awe. All together….it has shined bright in the sky…..those little stars are holding hands with each other. Feel it….. ❤️
You are in my thoughts and prayers as always! ❤️?
Maureen ~ hi, good to hear from you. Thanks so much for your prayers. Felipe.x