The station was in fundraising mode and was doing a lot of talk trying to get listeners excited and contributing. Volunteers were taking calls and donations. Pretty fun and I chatted with the volunteers in the inbetween times.
At one point I got to be on the air for five minutes to Caminohead along for the listeners. I am turning into such a ham, pretty funny really. So, I thank the folks at Sacred Heart for their hospitality and friendliness.
OK, on to Sister Rose Pacatte, who is a Catholic Sister, big time film critic and friend of our beloved Annie. On Annie’s recent visit here she gave me a signed copy of Sister Rose’s book about Martin Sheen (The Way). How nice. I just checked into the Sister’s blog which is huge and awesome and something I need to explore. Just Google Sister Rose and good things happen.
Well, am walking here in half an hour. Don’t know if anyone will show up but either way it’s good. Katherine and Dayna are leaving for Spain on the first so they may be here. Yup, keep walking out there, radio frequency loves, Felipe.