Yea, saw that on my Mrs Butterworth’s Thick and Rich Pancake Syrup this morning. I thought, that’s a pretty good idea on a personal level. I think I would just be fine getting through the winter without freezing my behind, thank you.
Yup, that’s our big emphasis these days, keeping warm and of course looking for signs of spring. And there are some of those. Crocus, Snowdrops, Indian Plum blooming now, that’s a good start. Starting to snow now, tiny flakes.
Also on a personal level it feels like Passover for Filipe. I have entered the time of my chemo cycle when I have had such a hard time in the past and it seems pretty smooth sailing so far. Some changes were made in my cocktail and in my diet and that could be the difference. This is very welcome.
Catherine called early this morning to see how I was doing. What a good buddy to have, checking in on my “walk”. I am really leaning on her lately but that is what pilgrims do sometimes. We are supposed to learn how to ask for help and be humble enough to accept it gracefully.
Rho, a pilgrim from San Diego, is coming on Thursday. She is very much an archer and will get me out to do some shooting which has been on the back burner for me. Also she has a connection with Italian pilgrimage which will be good to learn about.
Well, little bits of news for you today. Thanks for stopping by to the ranch and keeping us company. Alperfect, love, Felipe.
Felipe, the snow in Tacoma is preparing my way to your island where they are predicting more snow over the weekend. As for archery, I look forward to sharing the art of Barebow and String Walling with you. Also Sherrie has asked me to teaxh you well so you can share this style when she comes up in March. 🙂
Rho ~ yes, we are going to have a freezing good time. Glad that you enjoyed the Fish Peddler. Sweet dreams, Felipe.x
I saw my first snowdrops looking happy in the sun today, broke 70 degrees and also got “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible” in my fortune cookie at lunch. Good day here overall.
Hit the target with Rho!
Ron ~ fabulous fortune cookie! That one is worth framing. What a day you had! Felipe.
Querido Felipe,
Great to hear this cycle is being a bit different! May be this is part of the healing we are all praying for.
I am thinking on the story you told me about how you got to meet Catherine and Dana… I think your friendship is another example of how the Camino gives us what we need… even if we have no idea “why” when things are offered.
That is another thing that while we may have not figured out here “itself”, we are always re-confirming in our conversations in this salon… 🙂
So much to be grateful for tonight!
Off to sleep, it is super late, and my day has been exhausting at work today!
Loving love,