Oasis crew

I was out in the corn and I was strangely and heavily feeling the passing of the prime time for the Sugar Buns variety, our first and early corn.  And the next our Bodacious variety was traveling in that fatal direction.   I had been there in that position many times before and here I was strangely moved and mourning.  It and I were on a transition.

But on a different tack I was having a conversation with Catherine and Annie a few days ago.  I was talking about the Caminoheads Bureau Chiefs and my words came out the Caminoheads Boarder Collies, crazy right?   Yea, it has the same opening letters.  Yea, that type of dog represents a strong gathering force which we see majorly in the Camino and at Caminoheads.   I am going to blame the whole thing on the Spirit.   So what do you think, can we try it?



Posted by Cris on behalf of Felipe/Phil/The Boss/The General

3 thoughts on “PASSING”

  1. Perfect!
    (But do NOT title a post “PASSING” at this point…Ok?)

    See ya soon.

  2. I’m fine with being seen as a border collie, but I suspect it will require a little more energy displayed on my part. I’ve got the grateful, rapid eating of treats behavior down pat.

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