It’s St Giles feast day today. Father David had a great homily on hospitality and how St Giles opened a monastery along the Camino to shelter pilgrims on their trek across Spain. I did some reading on my own afterward and I couldn’t find any of that. But hospitality is a great topic and St Giles lived in the seventh – eighth century which is plenty of time to lose details. Maybe Father David just wanted to talk about the Camino which is a definite possibility.
Hospitality is my one word that I boil down all my Camino experiences into. When Kelly and I walked we said that we were going to let the Camino take care of us, no worries. And that happened, we were held by the trail. Cris CSABC said recently her one word was beauty which I can totally understand. That’s probably a close second with me.
Have visitors so please forgive me I must go and be hospitable!
boiling it down loves, Felipé.
Hola Felipe,
Yes… hospitality is another good word… and across Spain, there were many places where the walls had a sign reading “Hospital de Peregrinos”… it always made me think on the meaning of the word… and more than once have the thought that doctors or nurses or therapists could check out their diplomas in the door of the hospitals and become a bit more of hospitaleros… (fortunately, there are lot of hospital workers who are hospitaleros too!!)
But indeed, “hospitality” is a good word… it is the result of a potluck where you put generosity, and love, and care, and attention, and help, and open arms, and beauty, and listening, and then, you get it…!
It looks a lot like the Veranda… and your home… and Charlie&Marcie’s home… and kelly’s home… and Vashon Island…
Potluck loves,
PS: We do have a city in Buenos Aires province called “San Andres de Giles”, which is actually near “Lujan” where the virgin in your rosary decided to establish. I knew it was linked somehow with the Camino in France. Below are two links with very little information, but still add! Off to mass.
Cris ~ hi. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, one of those should fit. How are you these days after getting back. I am still recovering. Finally got he outdoor kitchen area cleaned up. Getting beds made in the guest room. Eating a lot of corn and giving it away. The mornings are foggy, September looking. Thanks, Felipé.x
From a Franciscan web site:
Saint Giles
Saint of the Day for September 1
(c. 650 – 710)
Saint Giles’s Story
Despite the fact that much about Saint Giles is shrouded in mystery, we can say that he was one of the most popular saints in the Middle Ages. Likely, he was born in the first half of the seventh century in southeastern France. That is where he built a monastery that became a popular stopping-off point for pilgrims making their way to Compostela in Spain, and the Holy Land. (Probably why you couldn’t find him, because his monastery was in France.)
Saint Giles is the Patron Saint of:
The Disabled
The Poor
Story goes that “a deer fed milk daily to this gentle hermit” until Charlemagne shot Giles aiming for the deer, and in remorse, built Giles the monastery that became a popular pilgrim site.
Good for Fr. David; he dug deep for that one. I love it! And you, Phil, have the grace and the gift of hospitality. You make us all feel welcome.
Opening my doors, and serving Sangria to all,
Henriette Anne
Henriette ~ thanks for the info. I hate to say that I never heard of him before yesterday. But now we have “the rest of the story”! What’s up these days? Felipé.x