I am so extremely happy to list Steve as one of my good friends. We have shared work, camps, campfires, shotguns and dogs. One of his major talents is conjuring up gourmet mushrooms. Well, then there is his writing:
What have we figured out?
From way over here, Buddy, seems like a lot.
1. That nothing gets figured out– as past tense with a period at the end. It’s the figuring that is the pilgrimage.
As in, keep on walking/keep on figuring.
2. But, we’ve learned a lot about how to figure. Or I have, at least, from you. We’ve learned that Figuring means taking Figuring seriously. It’s not a whim or a notion or a vacation– it’s a serious spiritual quest, to know oneself in the grand scheme of things as a mysterious, magical part of that scheme. I love Rohr’s messages on this.
3. We’ve figured out that looking inward takes time and quiet; reflection; meeting one’s ‘significant insignificance’ as purposeful pilgrims — and that looking inward then compels looking outward– to others.
4. That each day has enough to meet and grapple with and experience and love– Matthew 6:34 stuff. Be Here Now stuff. ‘Now’ matters more than yesterday or tomorrow– it is, after all, all that actually IS at the moment. Meaning comes with the reflection that happens later.
5. Ease and Grace. Ease. And. Grace. Joanna’s term for what authentic spirituality asks us to aim for. To experience each day– whatever it holds– with Ease and Grace. Oh– I am so easily triggered to NOT be this… (Note to Steve: read #1-5 again!). It doesn’t mean passivity. It means living in purposeful mindfulness, I guess. You lead me/us there, to be honest.
6. That aiming with intention and discipline towards all of this seems to mean not missing life, but ‘doing life’. ( Joanna again). To keep on walking. Finding community. Knowing one’s family in awe. Experiencing love. Experiencing the love that is made manifest in joy, in grieving, in hoping, in reflecting– in enjoying breaking bread together.
I’m just learning, slowly, to Figure.
Thank you for that.
Your pal
I am so glad that Steve is here with this in the nick of time. I still am feeling pretty darn low. Trying to ride out this late winter crud that I seem to have on top of everything else. But that was a very nice piece of writing, thanks Esteban, you’re a peach.
Anon, nick of time loves, Once Again Felipe.
Greetings from Kauai! It has been extremely rainy here during our visit! Haven’t been able to do some of the “activities” we had planned to! But in the Camino spirit… embracing what has come our way and feeling much gratitude for the that.
I have been participating in a yoga group here as I started doing yoga ?
in January and have found much pleasure and groundedness in it. So, thought I would check out what Kauai’s yoga had to offer.
Between what you wrote and what our instructor tells us I am finding the blessings in what this “other” vacation gives us and being “grateful” with grace and ease…The sun when it shines, being with Kelly in this beautiful place and just doing whatever comes our way is a blessing to be grateful for.
I read your blog daily and I am grateful for you and the Caminoheads that have come my way! Everyday I learn something new! Even though Kauai is nearly 3,000 miles from Vashon, you and all my Camino family are never far from my ponderings. Here is an example of ease and grace….
Yesterday, we had to get up at 4:30AM….definitely not my preferred method of waking, but Kelly really wanted to go snorkeling off of the Nepali coast and this was our last chance. It was cold, damp, and windy. But we persevered and it cleared enough to get in and see the sea life. I am not a cold water enthusiast, but Kelly went in and had a blast! Instead of feeling disappointed that I didn’t get to go in, it was truly enjoyable to witness his wish fulfilled! He was like a kid with a new toy! I was content to have been there with him. Ease and grace. Take in what we have and stop trying to control what happens. That takes practice and a lot of “figuring it out” but learning to look inward first and then outward to truly appreciate what is before us!
Lots of Love,
Carol and Kelly
Carol ~ thanks for your long note. So glad that you feel so connected with us at Caminoheads. Some great stuff has been happening here lately. And it ripples out to you and then it ripples back enriching us all. Hope to see you all soon somewhere down the trail. Felipe.x