OK, a decision has been made. We are not going on our big elk hunting trip, just too much. My life just simplified itself magically. Wiley was relieved, I’m relieved. To go next year lingers as a viable idea. OK next year, Veranda 2.0 and the big elk hunt revival.
So have to put up a new Phil’s Walking Schedule reflecting this change. I’ll do that after I finish this post. Two shorty blog posts today.
So, yesterday Henriette shows up for the walk and the tapas party. She rolled in with a bunch of stuff and seasonal decorations. Geez, just partied the evening before with Wiley’s birthday. It’s a rough life around here.
OK all good here at Phil’s Camino, Raven Ranch, Washington State. Sounds like things are getting pretty darn crazy in the Other Washington but that’s a topic for another day. Ever onward!
ever onward loves, Felipé.