Then after I got back to the bus stop with my hard earned milkshake I got the bus route, fare and time figured out. So, nothing to do but people watch. Most of the folks were kind of the standard bus riders doing everything quit efficiently compared to me but up comes this energetic man who starts picking up the all the scrap papers around the bus stop. He was picking them up and inspecting them and capturing them to put in the refuse container. Looking for something of value but cleaning up at the same time. The act labeled him as a “marginal” human being, not like us, right? I felt the need to walk toward him and say thank you for his efforts. He saluted me and was on his way leaving behind a better place. Hmm, who was mentoring who?
Flag Day today here is in the States. I am here at the ranch today working on firewood and the corn, always something for sure. Annie sent in this email that she got about this Thursday being World Tapas Day. Yea, major news.
So, that’s it mostly but for sadness over the Orlando attack which lies heavily around us. Hard to account for such viciousness. But we will pray on and live our lives.
Thank you for being here with us. Making the most of today loves, Felipe.x
Hola Amigo!
Old Glory is flying proudly here today, but then, she always does. If you’re working on the firewood, can I ASSUME (wretched word!) that you got the tractor running? Or have you resorted to the sledge hammer and wedge? Lots of work there, but somehow good for the soul.
It’s PFJ and 6 under 6 here on the farm this AM. County Fair time looms ominously in the future, and Grandma has been called in to rally the troops. You could pretty much accurately call her Regimental Reserve, always ready to respond with the Big Guns when the need arises. The little ones aren’t at 4H age yet, so they abide with me while G’ma Cathy schools the older ones. It takes a team, and yeah, hopefully, we’re mentoring on the fly all the time.
Be well Amigo!
PFJ ~ hey, how goes it? The tractor is still not running but finally got it to turn over and then got it to fire once. So, that’s progress. Got the carb back off and am trying to figure out the basic malfunction. But in the meantime got my John Deere in position with the splitter hooked up. Got Wiley signed up this weekend to help with that and hopefully the father/son combo can blast through.
It took me a while to figure out what 6 under 6 meant but finally got it. Not used to seeing kids in such quantity I guess. So, the older kids have projects that they are working on for the fair is that it? What kind of projects?
Yea, mentoring on the fly, good topic. And maybe we need to keep exploring that. Just heard a great story today that maybe I will write about tomorrow. OK dude, need some sack time. Love you man, Felipe.