I don’t think that there is a day that goes by without me thinking of my stay on the Camino in Spain. Kelly says that too. Fascinating that short time could have such an impact on us. Cathy and Tim were here yesterday to walk in the afternoon. They are such a joy. Easily I can see myself walking with them on the Camino or most anywhere. Thanks you both for your energy.
Looking back in the way that it occurs to me is not something nostalgic. I don’t seem to dwell on it in that way. It just pops up matter of factly and says hi in a tidy little memory package.
But I am looking forward also. My corn seed came in for this spring’s planting. That will occur in May shortly after the Lourdes pilgrimage. The whole corn ritual seems more important to me as the years pass, planting being only one part of it. I look forward to the different stages and the anticipation of the harvest. So much of farming is planning ahead, a little gambling and faith in the way the future unfolds. Well, it is to some extent looking backward in the sense of keeping track of all the mistakes made and lessons learned but it is basically forward looking in my book.
So, yes we can’t forget about leaving enough energy for the cultivation of the present, that most fertile area. Are we leaving enough of ourselves available for that? We can’t get too wrapped up in the past or the future to it’s detriment. Of course, that happens sometimes but aren’t we getting smart enough to recognize it? I hope so.
Off to walk my Monday morning walk. It is dry and overcast out, the fog has broken up. See you tomorrow, present loves, Felipe.