So, short on time today so we will cover Annie’s Day 14 quote and call it good. Details conspired and I was over taken so we will streamline the blog today. Tonight is my talk about the trip to Lourdes in 2014 at St. john Vianney’s out here on Vashon. The time 6:30 PM.
Just what I needed today is a quote from Yogi Berra: “It ain’t the heat, it’s the humility.”
The topic of humility is a tough one for us in general. But it is on all our lists of things to learn. The ability to be humble and ask for help is something that goes counter to our worldly training but apparently a skill that we must have in the end. And on the Camino we all had our moments of defeat and amazement when an angel just showed up for us at that point. Showing gratitude and showing humility are two of the biggies for us.
Walking in a few minutes. The weather here has been gorgeous and temps record breaking. This morning continues in that vein. How lovely!
How lovely loves, Felipé.