Our Forty Third Wedding Anniversary Party
This was My Rebecca and I’s affair. We went up to the Vashon Country Club Restaurant the Sandpiper. Gosh, did we dazzle those golfers.
I’m glad to report that we were “louder than the Italians” which is a goal of every good party goer and something that we picked up on the Camino. We had four other couples, three of which were at the General’s Tent several nights ago and described by Catherine and Dana in last post.
I was totally dazzled by this group. Not only were we “louder than the Italians” we made it to “Midnight in Paris”. No joke!
I realize that we were drinking wine and other liquids, but subtract that we still had so much talent at that table. It was oozing all over! Most magnificent anniversary party. Yes, oozing.! We were making up poetry, reciting poetry, reading poetry. The sun was going down over the purple mountains. And then we were the last table.
Forty three years we have been married. How did we get there? Geez, a long time. But now things are especially golden for us. That is hard to describe but take my word for it. Thanks to all who contributed to the ferocity of the party to celebrate this.
What a wonderful read! Happy anniversary, a little late, but it goes on. Forty three years? That is a lot of loving moments and time to build friendships, family and memories including those you share with us.
Thank you both for opening your lives to us as we walk the Way.
Louder than Italians love,
Ron y Ann
A Louder than the Italians hello ~ Ron, thanks. I’m grinning more now, is that a good sign? Felipé.
Happy Anniversary dear ones! That is such a good raft of years together… To be at this truly thankful place together. Much love.
Happy anniversary Phil and Rebecca!!
Aho’i ~ hey, been a while but who’s counting. Thanks for checking in with us buddy. The short story is that I am in Hospice and grinning more than ever. Keep in touch, Felipé.
Happy “Golden” Anniversary!! What a celebration!!
Robbi ~ well yes, we did it! Of course it might have been just slightly over the top. Miss you. Felipé.x
Phil & My Rebecca ~ You party animals! And, Italian partiers at that. Wow! Would have loved to have been a fly on that wall. Wonder how much “beverage” I would have drunk…ha!
Happy Anniversary u 2. 💕💙
Sherie ~ you are always welcome to any get together I ever have. Thanks, Felipé.x
Happy Anniversary Rebecca and Felipe!
When our daughter Brenna was married in Rome, we partied for an entire day doing a “Recon Bar Route” to determine the best way to get from the Church to the Reception Hall. All along the route, we gained notoriety as being “louder than the Italians”, AND WE WERE IN ITALY!!
Happy Anniversary to you and Rebecca. Love you intensely.
PFJ ~ way to be in the ZONE! Wish we had some medals,” for meritorious service in the face of boisterous Italian nationals.” Hehe. Felipé.
Happy Anniversary!!
Phil and Rebecca you two love birds show us how to do love and life. Smiles, hugs and memories with the BEST wishes hoped for.